Pick one

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Ginas POV
Tyler's so screwed confused let me fill you in There was a new girl and she liked Tyler he liked her but he also liked Dylan they're in a love triangle now but they're making him chose today
T: I can't do this
G: Tyler they're waiting
T: but-
G: if you don't choose one you'll be left single
C: this will be good
G: chote are you serious
C: I'm watching
T: I'm scared
They walked up I put my hair down and brushed it real quickly it was in beach waves maybe I'll try something different
?: you have to chose
G: good luck
C: there's no getting out of it
He raised an eyebrow and smirked
T: maybe there is
G: Tyler your screwed your not getting out of-
He cut me off by smashing his lips on mine I was straight up shocked
He pulled away I backed up processing what just happened
C: (farkle laugh)
D: ugh
They stormed away and I hit the back of his head
T: ow
G: don't do that again
T: but now I don't have to chose cause they think I like you
G: that's your worst plan yet
T: well no going back now so will you be my fake girlfriend
G: never in a million years
T: or I'll kiss you again
G: I'll do it
C: (laughs) have fun with this
L: what's going on
C: they're dating now
G: yup
L: I hate this
E: but the triangles dead so at least it won't  be awkward
G: those girls hate me now
D: you got that right
?: why'd you choose her over us
T: guys leave I don't like you anymore no matter what you do I won't date you and if you hurt gina I'll give you a lesson you won't forget
He grabbed my hand and dragged me away
G: damn
T: meh they deserve that
G: they're scared shitless
T: yup
We laughed and walked around they were glaring at us
G: you guys ok
D: no someone stole my boyfriend
T: we weren't dating
?: we almost were
T: goodbye
?: we're not leaving
I grabbed his shirt and kissed him he kissed back and they walked away pissed
G: and they're gone
T: they're so annoying
G: for once you said something smart
T: dont talk to your boyfriend like that
G: Ill do what I want and they're ain't a damn thing you can do about it
E: couple goals
G: are you serious
L: fine but can we at least go on a double date
T: sure
G: but-
He held my waist tighter making it not noticeable to them
G: fine
L: yay
They walked away and I glared at him
T: what
G: don't do that again
T: I'll do what I want and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it
G: touché
T: come on loosen up
G: no
He squeezed my ass and I squeaked
T: let's go, vooch will be here any minute
We walked away I was to shocked to speak
T: come on do I make you speechless
G: you wish
I boarded the bus not waiting for what he had to say I was on my phone and he sat next to me
G: what
T: just sitting
G: I'm leaving
I tried to leave but he grabbed me and pulled me on his lap
G: leave
T: nah
I got off him I crossed my arms
T: you mad?
G: why would I be mad
T: because-
G: where are Lizzy and Eric
I said changing the conversation
T: Eric rode home with his parents and Lizzy isn't gonna take the bus for a week cause her mom wants more time with her
G: great 😒
T: it's not that bad
G: I'm with you it's that bad
He turned my head and kissed me I kissed back I put my hand on his cheek and we made out
V: were here
T: see ya
He left I was grinning like an idiot
V: you ok
G: I'm fine
When I got home my parents bombarded me with questions
D: who did he choose
M: was it Dylan?
G: funny story
I told them my dad wasn't happy and was even more mad when I said we made out on the ride here I didn't tell him about the butt thing
D: imma kill him
G: why
D: I want to
G: were just faking so he doesn't have to choose
M: he's using you
G: I'm not gonna do anything
D: did anything else happen
G: no
M: Your playing with your fingers and that only happens when you lie
I ran to my room and didn't come out
Dylan was glaring at me the other girl forgave me cause she said she likes chote now
D: alright gina three laps
G: why me
D: I said so I'll keep Tyler company
T: I'll go with her
He said it quickly and dragged me away and we started running
T: she really can't take a hint
D: who can't
G: what are you doing
D: just running
G: yeah bye
I ran faster and Tyler caught up with me he grabbed my waist from behind me I laughed as he picked me up
D: your sick
T: three laps done
D: let's go to lunch
We ate Dylan tried flirting with Tyler I suddenly got extremely jealous but then remembered I'm just a fake girlfriend
G: (whispers) you ok
T: (whispers) what do you think I got a witch flirting with me
I silently laughed but not silently enough
D: something funny
G: yeah and I'm looking at it
Everyone laughed and she glared at me
G: you gonna keep glaring or do you need help
D: I'll stop cause I can't stand to look at the definition of ugly anymore
G: since when did I become a mirror
They laughed again and Tyler put his arm around my shoulder
D: you didn't
G: oh yeah I forgot you can't look in one without breaking it
They laughed again and she stormed away
G: she's so annoying
?: I'm sorry for how annoying she is she really can't take a hint
T: I hate her
D: garvin gina was being mean to me
Ga: is this true
L: no fair Dylan was mean first
Ev: yeah
Ga: Dylan I expect you to not be mean to them your the captain
D: yes garvin
He walked away and she glared at us
G: what
D: I'm doing nothing
G: ok I'm gonna eat
We all ate and she continued to glare at me
G: are you serious? glaring will get you nowhere
D: leave me alone
G: I'm not doing anything
E: Dylan can you please leave
Tyler kissed me passionately she jumped up and down mad and ran away angrily
E: and she's gone
?: next time we want her gone we'll use a cross
We laughed
I'm getting married to Tyler I know I know WHAT THE FUCK it turns out we really do like each other
P: does anyone object
D: I do
T: oh my god this girl again
D: you belong with me
T: bitch no I don't
L: this shit just got real
E: pass the popcorn
She handed him some
G: you actually brought popcorn
L: let me be
D: Tyler forget about her
G: you know what I DO
I grabbed his collar and kissed him every one cheered and Dylan was mad
D: I can't believe you
G: bite me bitch
Everyone laughed and she stormed out
G: now I'm gonna get out of this tight dress
L: yeah and I'm getting out of this hideous bridesmaid dress
G: it's so fun to torture your friends
Everyone laughed

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