Fake death

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Frankies POV
Taylor cancelled crazy cakes day who does she think she is I would ask my mom to hang out, but she's working she's at a bad place right now everything reminds her of dad he was insane he tried to rape me and Taylor but he didn't she still misses him whenever she's not working she's drunk, I would turn to Louie but me and him are fighting I decided to confront my mom about her drinking problem
Fr: mom you have to stop drinking it's becoming a problem
M: (drunk voice) shut up you little brat
She slapped me I gasped she looked at her hand in horror tears filled my eyes I didn't give her a chance to say sorry I ran up to the attic
Fr: miles
Mi: not right now
Fr: no mom is drunk and she-
Mi: I said not right now
He slammed me against the wall using his ghost powers
Mi: Frankie I am so-
R: what's going on
Fr: miles just slammed me against the wall
R: stop making up lies miles is a good kid
Fr: miles tell him
Mi: stop lying
He mouthed sorry
Fr: no I'm serious he-
He lost control of his powers a vase flew and glass smashed over my head
R: oh my god I'm so sorry
Fr: (voice cracking) great first my mom slaps me miles lies and now this
I touched my head and felt blood
R: ok I'm sorry but stop lying
I left I walked around in an alley I felt dizzy everything went blurry I woke up after an hour or so I get up my head hurts and my knees felt weak I'm sitting in some blood I see a TV in the store it's on the news I was gonna leave when I heard
?: it's so sad that frankie Hathaway died so young
What I didn't die
?: she was burned beyond recognition all we have is her library card found at the accident
It was covered in blood I took out mine it was a girl named Samantha ours must have switched I was gonna go home but then I realized what's the point everything's gonna stay the same so instead I waited
Michelle's POV
I put down the champagne after she ran out after an hour we were in the living room waiting for her
M: let's turn on the TV to pass the time
I turned it on the news channel I almost changed it but then
?: it's so sad that frankie Hathaway died so young
What we froze
?: she was burned beyond recognition all we have is her library card found at the accident of the car crash she was in a car accident we hope you are in a better place now frankie
We broke down crying they showed her card it was covered in blood
M: oh my god I never got to say sorry
R: I'm sorry she may have been lying but still I shouldn't have hurt her
Miles looked nervous
T: and on crazy cakes day it was our sisters day
L: we had fought I never got to say sorry
We cried more
Frankies POV
I got some money and left I bought a ticket to Texas I wanted to leave as fast as possible when I got there I had no where to go till I see a blonde headed girl in the park
Fr: umm hi
?: oh hi I'm summer Hathaway
Same last name
Fr: fr-
Fr: tomika, tomika young
S: wanna hang out
Fr: sure
We walked around she's really fun
S: wanna sleepover at my house
Fr: sure
We went there the sleepover was fun she let me borrow clothes
S: what school do you go to
Fr: umm I don't know
S: hmm
She shrugged and left to get food I quickly applied to a school after a few minutes I got in
Fr: oh right I'm going to William b Travis prep
S: hey that's my school
Fr: (smiles)
I had contacts on I can't let anyone recognize me
We're at the Austin music concert I still can't believe I've kept this a secret for so long I suggested we go on stage I know my family might see but I have to help mrfinn
Louies POV
I miss Frankie so fucking much i was just scrolling through the channels when I see her
L: guysssssssss
T: yeah
I point to the TV their eyes widen
T: omg omg
R: she's a good singer
M: to the airport
Mi: guys I have to tell you something
R: not now son
We left he tried telling us but we tuned him out he sighed in defeat
Frankies POV
I cant let them find me, I gave the police a fake threat saying there was a bomb in an old building I put a dummy in there and my ID a few feet away I put some blood on it I'm faking another death ok I can't do that I can't go back
Summers POV
I was crying in the classroom every one was comforting me tomika had just died two people came in
?: hi I'm Taylor wheres frankie
S: w-who's frankie
?: (mumbles) fake name
T: umm the singer
Z: haven't you seen the news
F: she was passing by a building that someone had put a bomb in
S: yeah my best friend is dead (cries more)
T: it's official we'll never see her again
They left
Scott's POV
After her death Taylor broke up with me that really changed me i left New Orleans and changed my name I stopped being nice and became "Brody"
Freddys POV
I couldn't be around the band it reminded me to much of mika I left and changed my name I wish she was still here I boarded the bus when I heard a familiar voice I ignored it then she came on
F: m-mika?
She saw me her eyes widen I immediately hug her she hugs back and cries in my chest
V: aww
T: not the time vooch
We sat down
F: what's going on
T: I'll explain later for now call me gina
F: and call me Tyler
T: why
F: you ask questions I'll ask questions
T: never mind
After awhile we got there this guy saw tomika his eyes widen with shock and excitement
She turns and sees him her mouth drops they hug
?: what the hell I though you died
T: I'll explain later
F: Frankie?
T: what part of explain later do you guys not understand
She.told.us EVERYTHING
F: damn
T: Scott why were you so rude
S: after your "death" Taylor needed to mourn she broke up with me so I left and changed my name and Attitude
T: I made you like that
F: bitch
T: what about you
F: couldn't be around the band since it reminded me of you and the fake name so they wouldn't track me
T: I've been running from my family for years I don't want to go back when they almost find me I leave I mean I've been akimi, I've met quadruplets, I've had a lot of fake names man
S: you have to
T: (groans)
F: ok go to New Orleans also after you reunite with your family imma bring you to Texas and we're gonna prank our friends
We high fived Scott chuckled
Taylor's POV
I miss Scott why did I break up with him I was on the couch when he came in I haven't seen him in six years
S: I have a surprise for you and Michelle
T: what
S: get her
She came in
M: oh hi Scott
S: hi mrs Hathaway oh um come in
Frankie walked in we gasped
Fr: h-hey guys
We were to shocked to move
S: I got to go bye
He left we ran up and hugged her
T: oh my god I missed you
She cried tears of joy
M: ray is sorry and forgives you for lying
Her smile fell
Fr: miles didn't..that bastard
T: what
Fr: call the prestons
They walked in they saw frankie miles immediately tried to hug her she backed away
Fr: get away from me
Mi: Frankie-
R: this again
Mi: I don't know what your talking about
Fr: well I'm going back to Malibu until you tell them Taylor Michelle I'll keep in touch
M: it's mom
F: that was before you laid your hands on me now I don't consider you that at all
She started walking out
L: Frankie he didn't-
Mi: I did ok I slammed her against the wall
R: son how could you
Fr: because of you he ended up smashing glass over my head I passed out in an alley from blood loss I could've been raped or kidnapped while I was unconscious and even if I woke up I was to weak to fight since I was to dizzy
Mi: I'm sorry
Fr: this is why I've been running so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore
T: you faked a death twice
Fr: no I woke up in an alley possibly not a virgin
She glared at miles
Fr: and saw on the news that I had "died" they gave my card to the wrong girl I would've stayed but I had nothing to stay for Taylor had bailed on the one thing we still had in common, my mom slapped me, ray didn't believe me, miles was lying and I usually depend on louie but we were fighting about god knows what after the concert I didn't want to go back, you'd say everything would be fine but after a week everything would go back to normal so I faked a death on purpose this time
M: Frankie-
Fr: I know I shouldn't have but I just didn't want to go back
We hugged her she cried we all talked, things are still shaky with her and miles
Frankies POV
I was in my room after I went to Texas I took a test and I was a virgin thank god miles came in I glared
Mi: Frankie-
Fr: why didn't you tell them
Mi; I tried when we found out you were alive for the first time I tried but they wouldn't listen and when you "died" o figured why tell them
Fr: I got lucky that night no one had molested me but do you know how easy it was to my head was fucking bleeding miles everything was blurry and I could barely walk
Mi: what am I supposed to do
Fr: I don't know
He left after an hour he came back with the massage chair I had been wanting since I was nine
Mi: ba boom
Fr: don't these cost like five hundred bucks
Mi: yup
I smiled and hugged him
Fr: I don't like you I just just mildly hate you
Mi: I'll take it
We laughed and he left
I left for Texas they told me to not kill them I made no promises the plan is I'm supposed to be a ghost I waited in the bathroom summer came in I stood behind her she saw me in the mirror I hid when she turned around she looked in the mirror again and sprayed water in her eyes
Summers POV
I saw her but when I looked she was gone I looked in the mirror again I sprayed my eyes I heard a noise from a stall I jumped
S: hello
Silence. I heard a blood curdling scream coming from Tomika, I ran out and into the classroom sweating
F: sum you ok
S: I-I-
F: what happened
S: thought I saw something
They shrugged I sat down after school I went home she was on my bed staring at me I screamed and shut the door after a few seconds I slowly opened it she was gone
S: what is happening
I was scared
Lawrence's POV
I was in the recording studio after school working on the soundboard when I heard
?: hello Lawrence
I looked up and saw tomika I screamed and rubbed my eyes she was gone
L: what the
I felt a tap on my shoulder and a cold chill go up my back I turned around no one there I left to the hallway I heard footsteps getting closer but no one was there
T: (from the loudspeaker) I'm backkkkkkkk
I ran out I went to summers house she said what happened to her
S: wait..Zack
We called him he said we were paranoid then he screamed and the line went dead
L: oh god
We plopped down on the bed
Freddys POV
We got Ashton in on the plan
Zacks POV
I think the band is mental
Z: guys your just paranoid
T: they're not you know
She was on the couch looking at a magazine I screamed and the call stopped
T: hello Zachary what's it been two years
Z: u-uh
A: bro what's going on
I pointed at her
A: There's no one there
Z: b-but-
A: I think your going insane
T: (smirks)
Z: what the
A: later loser
He left I was in shock
T: this will be fun
I ran out after a minute I went back she was gone I called the band freddy said it was nothing and we just miss her
We were in class when the lights started flickering they went off every one screamed when they went back on there was writing in the chalkboard
S: t-that's Tomikas hand writing
Mk: (screams like little girl)
We looked at him he laughed nervously we heard a bang on the window she was staring at us we all screamed she left
F: guys what were you screaming at
F: there was no one there
Mk: there was
F: guys she's been dead for two years there was no one there and there's no handwriting on the board
Class: yeah
Z: my brother didn't see her
L: maybe were just paranoid
F: ya think
Freddys POV
The entire school is in on it after lunch tomika sat down they're eyes widen
?: where
S: right here
?: umm there's no one there
K: guys you look insane there is no one
Z: how
T: cooko
She left
Z: this is a weird day
We were in the recording studio Tomika was nagging Lawrence he tried ignoring her
S: I..don't see her anymore
Uh huh
T: oh really
She went towards summer summer looked nervous I tried so hard not to smirk she played with her hair smashed her tambourine and did her makeup to look like a clown
S: (whimper)
F: umm
S: my makeup-
F: is the same
T: ghost makeup bitch
Summer gasped I tried not to laugh
Mk: what is going on
Tomika ate a donut
F: mrfinn whats wrong
L: tomika has come back from the dead
T: shhh he doesn't know
F: guys what are you talking about
She sat in zacks lap
T: and he never will know cause you guys will keep your mouths shut
The door swung close she said Someone named Louie is helping the lights went off, he looked nervous she kicked mrfinn in the legs and the lights went back on she sat back in zacks lap
Mf: oww
F: what
S: umm-
F: guys are you ok
Z: f-fine
I shrugged
T: oh my god remember how I used to sit in zacks lap all the time it was so much fun
F: hey we should visit Tomikas grave
T: eww no that's place sucks talk him out of it
S: it's a great idea
She had no control her mouth
S: actually no
We looked at her weirdly Tomika smirked
T: boom butch I can get you to say whatever I want
We left every one looked at her makeup and tried not to laugh
S: you see it
?: see what
S: the makeup
?: there's no makeup
S: but you-
?: it's a funny video online
She shrugged they left we burst out laughing
?: oh I'm so glad we went along with this
T: best decision ever
We left when I asked tomika about Louie she said he was really good at pranks and not to ask questions
Summers POV
I was in the bathroom hiding
T: are you avoiding me
I jumped
S: what no
T: then let's go back to class..sum
We walked there I was nervous no one commented on her in the hallway she sat at my desk
F: summer sit down
T: (glares)
S: umm how about another seat
F: isn't that-
I sat down at her old one halfway through the lesson Tomika sat on the teachers chair and spun around
T: you know I miss this classroom
Mrfinn tried to ignore her
T: weee
She spun around more
F: mrfinn you seem out of it
Mf: just have a distraction
S: his chair it's moving don't you see that
F: no why
T: sunshine your gonna regret that
I gulped slime poured over me
S: oh my god
F: summer why are you freakin out
I pointed to the slime he looked at my hair
F: what there's nothing
T: ghost slime he can't see but you can
She left
Z: this is weird
F: what's weird tell me
L: nothing
I sat there avoiding the slime getting on my work she came back and grabbed Lawrence's laptop
L: (whimper)
She went on it
T: and your codes are erased
She handed it to him he glared at her
F: Lawrence are you glaring at something
L: (coldly) no
T: (smiles sweetly)
She hugged him and left he sighed in relief
Zacks POV
I was at my locker Tomika talking to me
T: oh my god proms coming up you get a girl
Z: uh huh
T: that bomb sucked I would still be in the band teasing you guys if I wasnt a ghost, now I can only haunt and thats fun but I don't know different
Z: uh huh
T: you know I miss the band I kinda wish I didn't die you know
Z: (looks away)
T; oh we're playing that game where you avoid me to not look insane
I write on the blackboard in my locker "yes"
T: wow Zack that's low I'm your friend
Z: hey
I said at some kids
T: oh no you can't ignore me
I walked away she pulled me back and dragged me
Z: seriously does no one see this
They looked at me confused she took me to the janitors closet
T: what the hell
Z: what
T: you can't avoid me zack I'm here till you die who knows you might end up in an insane asylum for talking to ghosts
Z: I'm leaving
T: I'll just follow and don't mention this to freddy got it
I left in class she smirked and sat on my lap
Z: wow
T: I'm playing dirty it's impossible to avoid me
F: bro you good
Z: just fine
Summer and Lawrence mouthed sorry she sank into my chest mrfinn looked sorry
Mf: wow that sucks for you
F: guys seriously what's going on
She covered my mouth
T: nothing right guys
S: yeah it's nothing you've been gone and it happened while you were god knows where
T: (smirks)
She took her hand of my mouth and sat in my lap halfway through the lesson she smirked
S: oh no
F: what is mrfinn gonna throw up
T: hmm I know a way we're you can't ignore me
I groaned she started sucking my neck
L: oh this sucks for you
T: (against neck) your never gonna avoid me
I tried ignoring it
Z: can I go bathroom
Mf: yes
T: seriously
I left I came back she smiled innocently in my seat
Z: I'm just gonna sit in this one
I sat down after a few minutes The bell rang she got up
T: to lunch
Z: (sighs)
F: ok tell me seriously I want to know
L: just leave it alone
We left everyone was smirking
Z&S&L: umm-
F: guys we have something to tell you
Mf: and that is
F: you have just been-
Everyone: PRANKED
S: I'm sorry what now
F: tomika hasn't come back from the dead
T: he saw me the whole time
T; you see we could have told you I survived but instead we got the whole school to prank you
F: we even got Ashton in on it
Z: you guys suck
T: it was fun watching you guys squirm
S: so everyone saw the makeup and slime
?: yup
S: I thought no one did I walked around school like that
?: (holding back a laugh) yup
T: I got to hurt mrfinn and he couldn't say anything
Mf: you kick hard
T: I messed up Lawrence's code
L: (high pitched crying)
I held back a laugh
T: and gave Zack a hickey
Z: there's a hickey
S: yeahhhh
Z: you sat in my lap so many times
T: cause you avoided me the most I had to get you to not ignore me they didn't cause their wimps
S&L&Mf; (scoffs)
T: but damn you didn't say anything
Z: yeah yeah
T: this was so fun watching you guys go mentally insane
S&Z&L&Mf; (glares)
T: but I'm going back to New Orleans later
She left
F: this was so much fun
We sat down he told us the whole story about everything
S: I'm mad but I also feel bad
F: don't be she's ok now also I put cameras everywhere so this prank had been recorded
Z&L&S&Mf: (groans)
F: (smirks)
Z: seriously
He shrugged after school I went home
A: so...
Z: I hate you
A: come on
Z: I thought I was seeing things
A: I know it was hilarious
Z: 🙄
A: also Freddy sent me the footage
Z: dammit
A: don't let dad see that-
D: HICKEY (glass smashes)
We looked he had dropped a plate of food and did not look happy
A: oh he saw it
Z: oh god
D: who?
Z: not important in fact let's leave it alone
M: what's-oh my
Z: ugh
I went to my room and looked it looked like

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