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Babes POV
Me,nora,and dawn are visiting mika were all half sisters nora has powers i have a billion dollar company and dawn well we don't know yet
Tomikas POV
I woke up in a dark room the whole town was there tied up we started getting scared when the door burst open someone walked through he looked my age
?: (distorted voice) you people are here cause
They took of their mask
D: so I can spend time with my sister
T: dawn?
D: mika yes finally
T: what are you doing
D: this was the only way to get your attention
T: ever heard of an email
D: you wouldn't respond to anything
T: ok first of all I missed one fucking call and second I have a life
D: come on
T: how'd you pull this off
She smirked
Babe and nora came through
T: you guys are psychotic
B: why thank you
?: let us go
N: what's the fun in that
They untied me I crossed my arms
N: come on
T: nothing you say will make me leave
B: the towns empty we get everything for free
T: except that
T: right Umm uh what was I doing again
?: let us go
N: not till the days over
T: summer wanna come
T: or stay here
S: let's fucking rip it up
We untied her and they dragged us out
We left
Freddys POV
We were all miserable where was she they walked through the door laughing
T: oh imma puke 🤣
B: can't blame you
They laughed
T: oh
They untied us
?: how could you leave us
T: sorry god
?: I can't believe you
T: I can't go back in time
S: it was so fun
F: summer-
S: look I don't regret anything imagine a whole theme park to yourself
N: it was easy to operate the rides
Z: bring us
N: it was girls night
T: are you a girl cause if you keep complaining you'll come pretty damn close
Z: nevermind
Everyone in town stormed out some places looked a little fucked up but not to bad I
S: don't know why everyone's mad
B: so um I may have come to ask you something
T: what
B: would you be willing to (says quickly) move to New York and be a game shaker
T: huh
B: you'll be part of one of the biggest gaming companies in the world you'll get to see dub and trip again and it's New York you'll live in my mansion
T: it sounds amazing but I can't leave summer we're besties
S: aww
B: she can come she's so cool
S: I-I mean yeah cool I guess
T: guess were moving to New York
She dragged them away
They came into class we were glaring
S: what
F: your moving
T: yeah?
Z: what about school of rock
S: huh
L: come on are you seriously leaving
T: guys this is a once in a lifetime opportunity we can't pass it up and we thought you would be happy for us
Z: well we're not
L: I'm fine
I hit him
L: i mean I'm not
They rolled their eyes
T: Larry don't let them walk all over you remember what is said
Z: what
He likes her
T: that he has to stand up for himself
She went next to him and nudged him Lawrence wouldn't budge
T: come on Larry
L: I can't I haven't even got my first kiss cause I'm to scared to ask esme
T: it's easy to get a kiss look
She grabbed his collar and kissed him zack looked mad
T: and boom
L: well we've both kissed the same girl
F: I'm left
T: you don't have to worry
Lawrence and summer laughed
T: guys we're moving
Z: you can't
T: actually our plane leaves today in a few hours so BYE
They walked out but after a few seconds tomika walked back in
T: sorry I can't live with myself if I don't
She grabbed my collar and kissed me zack didn't look happy she left quickly
F: we've all had the same girl for our first kiss
(Imagine fremmer never kissed)
Z: wow that makes her sound slutty
L: kinda does
We heard from outside we got nervous
Tomikas POV
We've been having the best time I miss zack
S: Tomika?
T: Zack huh
S: you miss him
T: I do not
Tr: our girls got a crush
T: a tiny one
B: this will be fun
T: why
B&Tr: cause we get to interrogate him
T: NO w-were not even dating
I said whilst blushing
K: you like zack Umm what's his last name
T: Zack Kwon
K: yes you like zack Kwon
T: yes I like zack Kwon
K: good
T: huh
K: I recorded that
K: it's great blackmail
T: please tell me your kidding
She pointed to her phone in the corner it was facing us and it was recording
T: oh god
She grabbed it and stopped the video
B: I've never felt closer to you
T: I hate you so ducking much bad if you tell him I will-
K: wait what's his number imma send it to him
T: I'll do anything please don't
K: and..send
I checked it was his number she sent it I smashed her phone
K: my baby
T: that's what you get bitch
Zack Called me I answered
T: the video was a fake
I hung up they gave me the really look
Zacks POV
I got a text from an unknown number it was tomika and game shakers
K: you like zack Umm what's his last name
T: Zack Kwon
K: yes you like zack Kwon
T: yes I like zack Kwon
K: good
T: huh
K: I recorded that
K: it's great blackmail
T: please tell me your kidding
They looked at the camera
T: oh god
It stopped they patted me on the back
Z: imma call her
I did
T: the video was a fake
She hung up
Z: now I'm just confused
Freddy called her
T: y-yeah
F: the video wasn't a fake
T: yeah it was
F: thannnnn how'd you know about it
F: ha you like-
T: shut up it's embarrassing to like your friend
F: you like him
T: yes but don't tell anyone
F: yeah your on speaker
T: what?
F: our entire class can hear you including Zack
She hung up we laughed
Z: I feel so bad
Summer called we heard screaming
L: owww
S: that's tomika I'm making you hear the pain that's what you get
F: I can hear you
S; I got to go, also there's a dartboard of Freddy and well his hair got it
F: not my hair
S: she also stabbed out your eye
F: but is my hair ok
Z: I can feel the disappointment coming from you
S: yup
She hung up he shrugged we took a plane to New York
Tomikas POV
I was pacing
K: you good
T: whyd you do that
K: to laugh duh
B: I'm so proud
She wiped a tear I rolled my eyes
T: cause of you my crush knows I like him
F: I knew you liked him
I saw Freddy.Lawrence and zack
T: am I hallucinating
S: nope
T: in that case
I ran like hell I ran home when I got there I locked the door but I turned back and they're were there
T: oh shit
B: private limo you just ran
I pushed Freddy and ran through him I locked myself in my room they tried everything I wouldn't come out
T: nothing-
B: pizzas here
I kicked down the door
T: where
She had it in her hand I grabbed it I ate a slice
T: (moans) it's so good
Z: talk
T: hell no
I continued to eat they smirked and everything went dizzy I ran to the bathroom and locked the door then everything went black
Zacks POV
We were gonna tie her to a chair since we put something in the Pizza but she was one step ahead after a few hours we heard her waking up
Z: come on
T: I'm not-
Z: I like you to
T: huh
She opened the door

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