total accident.

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the second mike woke up he knew something was terribly wrong. not only was his brain pounding into the sides of his skull, but his body ached at every angle. it hurt to even think about moving a single muscle.

what was worse is that he couldn't even remember the half of what happened last night.

for the past three weeks, maxine mayfield who happened to be his best friend's girlfriend as well his other best friend's roommate, had been planning lucas's twenty second birthday party. she claimed that she was determined to make it one of the best parties their entire friend group had ever been to despite the fact that turning twenty two was not as exciting as turning twenty one.

and of course once the night arrived, the fiery red head did in fact keep her promise. the party ended up being absolutely insane, filled with countless amounts of people, food and many many drinks.

mike didn't even think it was legal to have that much alcohol in one location.

the raven haired boy sighed, wincing a bit when he shifted his attention to the digital clock next to his bed. the tiny illuminated numbers blinked at him, revealing an absolutely ungodly hour plastered across the small screen. he desperately needed a coffee, preferably with a side of tylenol.

he rubbed his eyes, mentally preparing himself to drag his broken body out of his extremely comfortable mattress before sitting up.

well, at least attempt to sit up.

yet that's when he felt someone's bare leg tighten around his, the unmistakable sweet scent of his best friend's marshmallow perfume filling his nostrils as she snuggled her face further into the crook of his neck.

el hopper and micheal wheeler had been best friends since their sophomore year of high school, when she ultimately saved him from being paired with the awful olivia jackson for the end of the year science fair project that all students were forced to participate in. ever since then... they just never stopped hanging out.

which ended up leading to six full years of amazing friendship. they did everything together. seriously, from working the same awful part time job together during their junior and senior year to attending the same college once they graduated. they were inseparable. the entire packaged deal.

so it shouldn't come as a surprise to say that el was one mike's favorite people in the world. she was perfect, an absolutely angel really... so caring and innocent. not to mention she was probably the most beautiful person he had ever laid his eyes on.

with that being said, under any other circumstance mike probably wouldn't mind this type of situation. being curled up with the one person he loved spending time with, listening to her steady delicate breathing while he played with the small golden waves that framed her face. to him, that sounded like a perfect way to spend a saturday morning.

yea, you guessed it.

mike definitely had a thing for his best friend.

but to be fair, el had been extremely clingy lately. some days she would be more affectionate than others, but it was the little excuses she would make in order to cover up her behavior that truly made his heart swell in a way he couldn't explain.

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