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in all honesty, it was extremely hard to listen to the words flowing out of his girlfriend's mouth when the only thing on mike's mind was how good she looks in plaid.

they had only been dating for a bit now, the lovers meeting in the middle winter and before they knew it, they were growing closer in the spring and then dating by the end of the summer. yet for some reason, at least to the raven haired boy, each moment he spent with the tiny honey orbed girl he calls his love, it felt like he was falling for her over and over and over again.

it was annoying, one might even say disgusting how a silly girl had him basically wrapped around her finger in such a short period of time.

but he couldn't help it. el hopper was absolutely perfect. it was practically impossible not to fall for her beautiful features, with her doe eyes and pretty long lashes. and don't forget that intoxicating laugh and precious smile, or how she would press up against him every chance she got just to watch him get all flustered and distracted by their closeness.

the pretty brunette might look innocent on the outside but she always was fully aware of the effect she had on him.

especially when her hands would dip below his waist band, trailing up and down the soft skin underneath his shorts. or how her lips would run across his neck whenever they were together, leaving sweet tiny purple and red marks for him to reminisce on once she had to leave for the day.

she was tease, an devilish shadow hidden behind a sparkling white halo.

and right now, in this moment, was full proof evidence that mike wheeler was completely and utterly underneath her spell.

it was a saturday evening and unfortunately the raven haired boy had been convinced to attended el's best friends house party tonight. though, mike and his girlfriend had never been one for events like this, the sloppy drinking and awkward standing around with strangers they didn't even wanna bother getting to know, it was the perfect excuse to see the honey orbed girl all dressed up in things he didn't usually get to see her in on a daily basis.

which is exactly why he was undeniably out of breath right now, watching as his girlfriend finished tapping the smallest bit of shear lipgloss over her pretty heart shaped lips. she was wearing a small white crop top that tied in the front, paired with a tight baby blue plaid skirt. she had curled her her honey locks into pretty loose spirals, her wrists and neck sporting the smallest dainty gold chains.

it shouldn't even be possible for someone to be as stunning as she was.

"you just gonna stand there and stare, love?" her distinct playful comment pulled him away from his thoughts, the brunette making eye contact with him through the mirror as she screwed on the top of her lip gloss tub before placing it on the counter. she was smiling at him slightly, biting the inside of cheek in a subtle manner.

"just enjoying the view." he chucked before pushing himself off the door frame of her bathroom, the honey orbed girl still watching him intently as ran her finger tips through the ends of her hair, "you almost ready?"

"yea, i just need to grab my bag." the small girl broke eye contact with him after that remark, her eyes swirling with the realization that they were most definitely already late. she frantically started to throw her makeup into its original bag, the mess around her suddenly becoming overwhelming, "shit, max is gonna pissed we don't show up within the next fifteen minutes."

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