The Meeting

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"Finally, Home!", Cassandra smiled to herself. Fidella neighed joyfully and galloped faster. "Just few more moments Fidella. We are there." But something made them stop.
Cassandra looked around but there was nothing except trees and bushes. That screeching sound came again. Cassandra got of Fidella and asked her to stay over there. Then slowly, she pulled out her sword and started to walk noiselessly in the direction of the sound. She tried to peer over the bushes but she was not able to see clearly what was there.
Suddenly there was a blast and Cass was thrown far away. But she was not alone. Someone else was also there in front of her. He tried to get up and gave a gasp of surprise.
Cass couldn't make out who he was or what was happening as she was still recovering from the blast.  She felt him kneeling and picking something up.

"This necklace...", She heard him say. Wait, NO! That was a gift to her from an old friend. She won't let that person get away with it. She quickly got up with all her might and without even looking at him snatched it from him.

"Hey! That's mine!", She screamed.

"Cassie...?", He quietly said.

That voice? She straightened up and looked up at him. He was strong built and had a strong physique. His body revealed nothing of the person she remembered. But his hair...tied in a ponytail, but it was the familiar blue strip that caught her attention.

"Varian? Is that you?", She asked uncertainly.

"Of course that's me!", He laughed.

Before he could say another word the bushes moved and a frightened Rapunzel and a clueless Eugene came out.

"Is everything okay?", She panted. "We heard a blast and...." And her eyes travelled to Cass who standing over there. "Cass! You are back!", She ran up to her best friend an hugged her tightly.

"Hey Raps!", Cass hugged her back. A smile spread across her face. "I missed you. Sorry that I couldn't be in the wedding."

"It's ok! That doesn't matter. You are here now!", She let go of Cass.

"Hey Cass!", Eugene smiled upto her. "Missed you."

"Missed you too, Fitzerjerk.", And she winked.

"Umm... I am here too.", Varian laughed nervously. 

Cassandra smiled at him. "I missed you Varian. But I remembered the cute dorky teenager who used to blow up things."

"Well not everything has changed." Eugene said and patted on his back. "You heard it.", He said referring to the blast.
Varian blushed.

Rapunzel sensing his embarrassment quickly came upto his defence, "That was uncalled for. But behold, our most trusted royal engineer of Corona!" She said, in a flattering way gesturing her hands towards him. Varian blushed.

"Oh, so you are the Royal Engineer of Corona?", Cass smiled at him.

"Our most trusted.", Eugene butted in.

"Umm... I am..." He nervously fidgeted.

Cass smiled at them. "So what are you all doing in the woods? I thought that you'd  would be in the castle."

"Well, Varian was demonstrating his new invention to us here." Rapunzel said.

"And what was that?"

But before anyone could answer, Fidella came out with Owl sitting on her back. He then flew and sat on Cassandra's shoulder.

"Fidella!", Rapunzel ran upto her and patted on her head.
She gave a happy snort. 

Rapunzel then looked at Owl and said, "Missed you Owl."
He hooted.

"Let's go to the castle!", Rapunzel said excitedly, "We have so much to talk about your adventure!".

Cassandra smiled.

And so did Eugene.

But little did anyone notice Varian who was staring at Cass, as if awestruck by her  beauty.

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