The Adventure Awaits

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Cassandra felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Steve standing behind her.

"Hey", She smiled.

"Where have you been? I spent my entire morning as well as afternoon looking for you!"

"Well... Anne told me that it would be great if I didn't keep secrets from my friends,"Cass said, twichting her fingers. "So I was with Raps and Eugene, and I told them the truth about you two."

"Well, that's okay. But coming back to the main point, I wanted to talk to you."

"Yes?" She raised up her eyebrows expectedly.

"Cass, it's been 3 days since we arrived in Corona. Don't mind me, I love this place, and Her Highness--"

"Rapunzel, I think she asked you to call her that." She reminded him, with a slight smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, Rapunzel. She herself is very kind and helpful, and so is Eugene, but..." He faltered.

"But?" She pestered him to continue.

"But, we haven't even started working on anything! There is no plan, and the fact that we are sitting here while our kingdom was attacked in the dead of night kills me!" He desperately screamed, silently.

"Steve, calm down! I understand you, and we will definitely talk to Raps about it this evening. I am sure we will come up with something." She smiled, continuing, "You know, it's just that a day ago, you came to your hometown after 4 years to spend some time with your family and friends, and then just the next day there is such sudden turn of events. But dont worry--"

"Worry? Cass, I am not worried, I am afraid."

Cassandra snapped her head sharply towards him. Of all the things, the last that she expected from him was being afraid. Though he was not strong, he was courageous. He was the one who would himself in front of danger before anyone else.
"Afraid?", She asked, as her eyes widened.

"No no no!" He sharply turned towards her. "That's not what I meant." He sighed, and then continued, "I am afraid for Anne, not that I am not for you, but..."

"But with Anne, it's different." Cassandra completed for him, with a soft smile on her lips.

"Yes." He looked at her and returned the smile. "Well, aside from that, do you know what happened today?" He looked at Cassandra with a raised eyebrow.

"How would I, if you don't tell me?" She smirked.

"Well, that alchemist friend of yours, Varian, apologised to me and Anne!" Steve smiled. "From the first look itself I knew that he didn't like us, and somewhat even despised us, but I hardly expected that he would apologise to us for that! He is a good fellow."

Cassandra smiled, "Of course he is."


"So we need to protect the ancient magic." Rapunzel said. She was in a meeting room with Cassandra, Eugene, Varian, Steve and Anne.

"Yes, because if it falls in the wrong hands, it can destroy the Seven Kingdoms and beyond." Anne said. "We knew that they would attack us, but not so soon and so unexpectedly." She sighed.
Cassandra put her hand sympathetically on her shoulder and Anne smiled.

"Anne is the key to the magic, and they would do anything to wield control over it. On that fateful night, everyone including the staffs retired to their beds and the guards were patrolling the gates. As we were asleep we don't quite know what actually happened, but we woke up hearing some shouts and immediately realised that we have been attacked. Since Anne and Cass' encounter with the gang, we had built a secret route of tunnels inside the castle to use, when such an emergency arised. It straight away let us out of the castle. However we were not able to reach the king in time and he was abducted." Steve said.

"Don't worry, we will save the king and protect the ancient magic. Nersedinia has always been proven as a faithful ally to the kingdom of Corona, and it's only fair that we help them. Not to mention, the princess herself saved my best friend's life." Rapunzel smiled looking from Anne to Cass.

"Rapunzel, please, it's just what friends do." Anne smiled and respectfully nodded towards Rapunzel who nodded back.

"Anne and I are skilled in sword and crossbow while Steve is familiar with different kinds of herbs, which can heal as well as destroy. As for Varian, his knowledge in Alchemy and his fighting skills will prove beneficial for us all. Now we only need some supplies and a few guards." Cassandra said.

Rapunzel bit her lip and twitched nervously.

"Is something wrong Raps?" Cassandra raised her brows.

"No, but I wanted to be of more help."

"Raps, you really have helped us a lot. We have already asked for all that is necessary, and needed. You, as well as Fitzerbert can't leave the kingdom like this. You are the Queen and he is the  King as well as the Captain of guards. The absence of any one of you in the kingdom will provide the enemy kingdoms an advantage to attack Corona." Cassandra stated.

This somewhat calmed Rapunzel down and she smiled, "So, when will you be starting for the journey?"

"Tomorrow morning. We don't have enough time. I will arrange the supplies and guards right now itself." Cassandra said, turning to leave.

Varian stopped her, "Wait, I will come with you."


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