Planning out the Surprise

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They reached the castle quickly and within no time Stan and Pete ran down to the halls to inform the Ex - Captain of his daughter's arrival.
Cass smiled at this gesture and turned to Eugene and Varian, " Where is Lance and Ruddiger?"
Eugene said, " Lance is in the tree - house with Catalina and Kiera." He turned towards Varian.
"Ruddiger is in my lab in old Corona.", Varian smiled.

"Cassandra! " They heard the Ex - Captain's voice calling out to her. 
"Dad!" Cassandra broke away from the group and ran towards her Father and hugged him. "I missed you.", She said.

"I missed you too, Cassandra.", He smiled.

Everyone smiled at the sight. Rapunzel suddenly lighted up and took Eugene and Varian by their hand and pulled them to the nearest room and locked it.

"What was that, Sunshine?", Eugene asked, confused.

"I have an idea", Rapunzel beamed.

"What idea?", Varian asked.

"We will throw a Surprise party for Cass this evening! "

"A surprise party for Cass?", Eugene looked skeptical, "Sure Sunshine, I really appreciate what you want to do there but I don't think Cass is that kind of person who would enjoy surprise parties."

"Come on Eugene! It's been so long since we met our best friend. At least we can celebrate it by throwing a party in her honour. It will be FUN!", She smiled.

"Of course! I will try my best to make it the best party Cassie ever had!", Varian said excitedly.
Rapunzel looked at him questioningly.

"Looks like someone just met his old crush", Eugene laughed.

"Ooo.... Varian has a crush on Cass...", Rapunzel teased him.

Varian blushed really hard. "I think we should start planing. We haven't got much time.", he said, to change subject.

"Oh yes, you are right. I will be decorating and baking the cake. And...", She said while making a list of things on a piece of paper, " You both will be doing and bringing me these things."
She handed the list to them. "Ask Lance too, to help you both. And go fast, I don't want you two to be late."

"Sure, we'll do it!", Varian said and both of them them opened the door and darted towards the hall. None of them saw Cass coming, and Varian bumped into her. 
She almost fell, had it not been for Varian's quick reflexes, he caught her by her hand.

"Ouch! Now what was that?", She asked, a bit annoyed.

"Sorry, Here, I got you.", Varian said,pulling her up, blushing a whole new hue of red.

"Thanks.", She smiled, "Care to explain why you two were running down the hallway like children?"

"Umm... We were just...", Varian faltered.

"Just Team Awesome things", Eugene chided in.

"Yes yes, Things... Team Awesome...", He faltered again.

Before Cassandra could say anything, Eugene took Varian by his arm and took him out of her sight.

Rapunzel came out of the room and looked at a confused Cass. "Cass all OK?", She asked.

"Umm...Yes. But what's up with those two?"

"Oh it's nothing.", She smiled. "What are you doing during afternoon? "

Cass smiled. "Oh I will be practicing with Dad and the guards. It's been ages since I last practised with them."

"That means you'll be busy the whole afternoon? ", Rapunzel asked hopefully.

"Yes... I will be. Do you want me to do something? ", Cass asked.

"No - no! You continue. Just don't get too tired.", Rapunzel smiled.

"Sure, I will take care of it.", Cass genuinely smiled. "Bye!"

"Bye! See you later in the evening!", Rapunzel ran down the halls.

----- Meanwhile, with Eugene and Varian -----

"So, Cassandra. ", Eugene said.

"Huh, What?", Varian asked, confused.

"Don't act like I didn't notice you while you bumped into her. You were as red as tomato!"

"Well... Yes...", he blushed.

"Come on boy, there's no denying that you still love her."


"You will be dancing with her tonight. I'll make sure that happens. "

"What? NO--"

"Now, where on the earth did your confidence go? Team Awesome, remember?"


"Come with me now. Looks like someone is going to need a pep - talk on gaining confidence with Eugene Fithzerbert."

Varian smiled.


It was evening, and Cass was in her room, putting her weapons in the wardrobe in order. Rapunzel really made a lot of fuss about giving her her old room, and Cass had to eventually accede to her demand about living in the guest room.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in.", Cass said.

Rapunzel entered, smiling.

"Hey Raps! What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just came in to get you ready."

"Ready for what?", Cass asked, not quite understanding.

"A Surprise Party!"

"A What!?", Cass asked, as her eyes widened in surprise.

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