White Fangs and a Hunt!

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As everyone in the vicinity calmed down I noticed that there was one person coming through the crowd. 

Michiru had dusted herself off and gave me a handshake. I noticed the she wasn't fully human but also not fully animal as well. Although she was different she was still cute looking. I guess that she was a (insert animal). 

"Do you know who did this?" I asked before someone came up to the two of us. He was a police officer.

"Evening ladies, I saw what you did there and that was one hell of a sprint you put on." The man said, laughing only slightly. "If I say so myself you may be faster than Ogami, but that's not why I'm here. We'll take it from here miss." He said nodding to me, I nodded in response. They must have been here before the explosion. As I let them interview Michiru I transformed back into a Gray Wolf and started sniffing out the scene. 

The gun powder and metal I thought as I looked back at the collapsed billboard. 

"S'cuse me miss, Ogami over here would like to ask you some questions himself." Stated the officer. I turned my attention back to the officers and noticed that Ogami was a White Wolf. 

Now you don't see them everyday I thought. It was true, White Wolves were rarer than Gray Wolves.

As he walked over his trench coat swayed back and forth. "The names Shirou Ogami, have you smelled anything before the explosion?" He asked, his tone level. 

"Only gun powder and metal. " I stated "The sent seemed stronger under the billboard." I continued. 

"Any trace of an animal?" He inquired again.

"Oh I saw an animal, a-a, uh..." Michiru paused, I looked at her and it looked like she was trying to remember. I don't blame her, everything happened so quickly. "A fox!" She finally said as she gave a little jump. 

Shirou Ogami proceeded to sniff out the air and once he caught a whiff of the trail he started off on a jog before going into a full on sprint. Before I knew it he was out of sight.

"Okay, bye then." both Michiru and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed. It was weird but nice how the two of us seemingly already got along together.

"Hey, Rin, some monkey stole my wallet, mind helping me find it?" She asked tentatively. 

"Sure, do you have something I can take a scent of?" I asked, I needed a scent in order to track down where her wallet has traveled. 

"Oh yeah, here use this bill!" She said handing the wrinkly piece of money towards me. "It was in my wallet today so hopefully it still has the scent." She added. I smelled it and closed my eyes, slowly the pathway seemed to light up.

"Follow me, time for a hunt!" I said, and I gave a grin towards Michiru. We both set off on a hunt for the wallet thief

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