7. It All Begins

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FRANK'S GRANDMOTHER WOKE HIM up really early. He was really tired after yesterday, the sleepover at Piper's had exhausted all of them. Especially with all the supernatural power business, Frank didn't even know what power he had. Nevertheless, he had to go to school.

So he got out of bed and got ready. Then he went downstairs where his grandmother was making breakfast.
He took a seat at the table.

"Ah, Fai. Glad you could join me." Grandma Zhang rolled her eyes. She always called Frank Fai. She was proudly Chinese and was annoyed, Frank's name was in English. Therefore the name Fai.

"Sorry, grandmother. But do I have to wake up so early?" He whined.

"It's good to wake up early." She said whilst putting some breakfast in Frank's plate. "Plus you are a growing boy. You need to make it a habit to wake up early."

Frank downed his breakfast and waited in the font used for Jason to pick him up.

Finally, Jason's jeep arrived. Frank hopped in and they went to pick up Annoying, Crazy Valdez, who unfortunately sat next to him.

"Yo! Chinese-Canadian Baby Man! What up?" Leo yelled. As he sat beside him.

Frank rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Well, everything was awesome until you made me deaf."

Percy chucked. Jason started the car and they were off to school.

"You know, I never got why your sister refused to go with us." Percy looked at Jason from the shotgun seat.

"Well, she said many things. I'll tell you the descent version. 'Well, why would I go with you moron boys? My girls are much better.' Were her exact words." Jason sighed. "I also caught a few weird words she muttered while going to her room 'Lady Artemis' and 'My hunters' "

Nico smirked. "Lieutenant of the Hunters. What would you expect?"

"Say what?" Leo asked.

"Right, I forgot you'll don't know all the secrets yet." Nico facepalmed.

"Why can't you just tell us?" Percy groaned.

"First of all, you'll have not proved yourselves worthy to be part of Olympus. Second I can't tell you everything." He replied.

And the rest of the ride was basically Percy and Leo grumbling. Once they reached the campus, they went to their usual spot underneath the oak tree.

"Hey, guys." Katie greeted.

"You know you should probably start finding, whatever your parents need you'll to find." Reyna jumped straight to the point.

"Great way to start my morning. Straight with this supernatural stuff." Jason sat down. "Ok, can you guys help us though?"

"We can't we have a mission of our own," Will said.

"Who are 'we'?" Piper questioned.

"Katie, Will, Connor and me," Travis answered.

"Sorry guys." Connor apologised.

"Well, that's great." Annabeth sighed. "What about you Nico, Reyna and Thalia?"

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