8. Olympus

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After school, Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Reyna and Nico got into Jason's jeep and drove to Olympus. It had been a few weeks since their parents holograph phone call thing. They were beginning to get worried since they still hadn't figured out the first clue, in fact they had no idea what the first clue was.

Leo sensed that the group was worrying again, so he decided to lighten up the mood. Since he called shotgun, he had access to the music. He plugged in his phone and played young volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, the only song which everyone loved. The song started and Leo started singing. Jason and Percy joined in. By the time the chorus started everyone was singing, well everyone except Nico.

Leo blasted the music and they all looked at Nico. Finally, he gave in and started singing along. They all were so engrossed in the song; they didnt realize they arrived until Apollo, tapped their window.

"You know you can come out right?" he stated, amused.

All red in the face they hopped out of the jeep. Once they were all out Apollo pressed a button, the car sank into the ground. It went into the underground parking area made for all the half-bloods.

Im never going to get used to that. Jason shuddered.

You will. Apollo promised. Now, was that Fall Out Boy? I remember Will telling me that you guys liked a particular song of theirs. Apollo was also Will Solaces father.

Yup. Reyna smiled.

And correct me if Im wrong but was that Nico di Angelo singing along? he smirked.

Nico turned bright red. He was about to say something before Apollo told them to get a move on already.

A huge white arch accompanied them to the security check. Each of them had to press their thumbs to the thumbprint scanner. Then they proceeded to the weapon detector. You can bring in weapons but only if they were registered into the weapon system. On the Sevens first day they had to go to the registration room where a girl, Lila who was about their age entered them and their weapons into the Olympus Agents and Weapons database.

Finally, after a lot of security and identity checks they entered Olympus. No matter how many times they came here, the beauty of the place never failed to astonish them.

Well then, I should be going. Apollo said, Youll can go train, you will be called to the council room for discussion on strategy, the bombings, blah blah blah. And with that Apollo left the half-bloods.

Ok then, Frank turned to his friends, lets go train.

They all took a series of turns and reached a door labelled Training and Weapon Room All of them went to the field area in which they specialize. Percy, Jason, Nico, Hazel and Reyna went to the sparring area (Swords); Annabeth and Piper were sparring in the Dagger zone; Frank was shooting arrows and Leo being Leo was walking around trying to lift heavy things and trying to show off, which of course was an epic fail.

At the Archery zone Frank was so focused that he didnt notice Will Solace come up behind him.

Hey there Frank! Will greeted.

Frank jumped in surprise. Hey Will! How you doing?

Good. How are youll? Hows your mission going? he replied.

Were fine. The mission? Well we are still in the same position in finding the lost ones. the lost ones is what they call the missing Olympians.

Hmm well I know you will find them.

Thanks, Will. Hey, hows your mission going?

Ours is going pretty well. But I have this feeling, I think our two missions are connected.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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