Two :]

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*Hai, second part! Hope you enjoy :)*

Hannah's POV

I was walking - more like storming - to Huntington Beach, to clear off some steam. I mean, why?


*An hour earlier*

I texted one of my best friends, Shanelle, to see if she wanted to hang out. She replied, saying that she had errands to do for her mum. I scrolled through my contacts and landed on the name Jerry Rolleston. I smiled dreamily. Jerry was my boyfriend of two years. He was considered one of the popular people, as he had lots of girls vying for his attention. He would always ignore them though, and give all his attention to me. All the other girls would send me death glares but I ignored them and was fine with it as long as I had Jerry.

I dialed his number, hoping that he would be free. After four rings he picked up.

"Hello, who is this?" He said down the receiver.

"It's me, Hannah. Don't you check your caller ID?" I giggled, shaking my head.

"Oh um, hey Hannah. Why did you call?" He sounded uncomfortable.

"What is it a crime to call my boyfriend?" I frowned, "I just wanted to see if you were free and if you wanted to hang out. Are you alright? You sound a little uneasy."

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, everything's perfectly fine, but um, I'm busy at the moment."

"Oh, OK then. Doing what?"

"Er... just getting a present ready for mum," he said quickly. "Um...I have to go, bye."

He hung up, not waiting for a response. I frowned. Hadn't his mum's birthday happened already, four months ago? Why would he get something so early for next year? This was strange. It wasn't like him. At all. I shrugged it off, and decided to go to his house and help him. I grabbed the essentials and began the fifteen minute walk to his house.

I reached up to knock on the door but stopped short. I heard laughing from inside the house. It was a female voice, by the sounds of it. My forehead creased. He never mentioned anything about having someone over! Maybe it was his sister or something. He was probably here to help him with their mum's present. Jerry had told me her name was Jaime, and I hoped she liked me! I'd never met her before, and I wanted to leave a good impression.

I took a deep breath and summoned up the courage I needed to knock on the door. I did just that, but nobody answered. The laughing, however, carried on. I stared at the door quizzically. Surely my knock was loud enough to be heard? I knocked on the door once, twice, three more times. The giggling/laughing continued though. I sighed and tried the door handle to see if the door was miraculously unlocked. The door swung open, much to my surprise. I stumbled into his house, expecting to see Jerry and Jaime chilling on the couch. But no one was there. The laughing and giggling resumed, and I sought out to find where it was coming from. As I searched around, I noticed the picture Jerry had of the both of us was face down. This was strange too. It was the first time that I had seen it facing down. Being the tracker (jacker) I was, I quickly discovered where it was coming from: his bedroom. I opened the door quietly, slowly and as I did, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I saw my boyfriend Jerry in the middle of the room. No biggie. I also saw a girl, playing tonsil tennis with Jerry. I pushed the door open, forced the two of them apart, like Professor Umbridge in the Order of the Phoenix. I looked at the girl closely. She was actually quite pretty with blonde hair (not bleached though) falling past her shoulders and greeny-brown eyes. The girl stared at me curiously. I shook off her gaze and glared at Jerry. I slowly walked up to Jerry and slapped him square across the left cheek. He took a step back, grabbing the cheek.

"How could you?!" I screamed. He looked scared and tried to grab my hand but I flinched away.

"Hannah, it's not what it looks like!"

"Well, what does it look like then?" I glared.

"I-I-I was just-"

"Kissing someone who's not your girlfriend? Yeah, I figured."

"W-wait. What?"

The mystery girl spoke for the first time. I turned to look at her. She turned to look at Jerry. Jerry turned to look at me.

"Wait, you mean all this time, you actually had a girlfriend? And you decided to start a relationship with me! What a prick!" It was her turn to have a go at Jerry, just maybe not as harsh as me. She slapped him on the left cheek again, increasing the swelling. She turned to look at me.

"Want to slap him again?"

"My pleasure." I walked up to him, hit him across the left cheek once more and left the room. As I got to the lounge, I picked up the picture of Jerry and me and flung it to the ground. The frame smashed into small pieces. I stepped nimbly over them. I slammed the front door shut so hard it felt like the ground was shaking. The other girl had gone. I was so glad to say goodbye to that place, forever.

*End of Flashback*

I reached the beach (with my awesome rhyming skills), slightly calming down as the waves crashed onto the shore. The sane felt nice around my toes, but I was still ticked off at my now ex-boyfriend. The lying prick! I clenched and unclenched my fists. The next time I saw him, I would make him regret what he did. I was going to slap him senseless until he couldn't see straight. I was so busy fuming I didn't look where I was going and therefore I crashed into someone, ending up in a sitting position on the sand. I looked up to apologize to the person but stopped once I saw who it was.


Wesley's POV

"Yo, Wes, going to the beach, you coming?" my younger brother Keaton called out.

"Yep!" I replied, standing up to get ready. I got to my wardrobe and changed.

After I was ready to go, I texted Drew.

W: Dude, you wanna hang at the beach? Keats and I are going.

D: Yeah OK, see you there bro. 15min approx. I'll head straight there.

W: See you soon.

I grabbed my board and waited outside the house for Keaton. While that little brat was taking his time, I decided to post a picture on Twitter.

"@wesleystromberg: Going to the beach, hoping to catch some waves #bringit"

As soon as I tweeted, I had gotten some replies and new followers. I retweeted some tweets from our fans and followed a few as well. Finally Keats decided to show and we started towards the beach.

We got to the beach and we saw Drew. He quickly came up to us and greeted us.

"Hey man," I acknowledged.

"Dude, the waves are big, I'm going now, you coming?" Drew asked.

"Yeah!" Keaton replied, taking off his shirt and running towards to the water.

"Yep, be there in a sec," I told Drew. He left to join Keaton and I looked around, taking in all the people tanning, surfing, swimming. Being famous meant giving up on these beaches. I could still come here but it wouldn't be as carefree as before, without girls chasing after us. I sighed, took off my shirt and headed towards the water.

Keaton and Drew were already catching the waves, shouting. I decided, being the mean person I was, to sabotage their fun. I was too busy thinking about ways to annoy them that I wasn't looking where I was going and I crashed into something. Or someone. I snapped out of my trance and looked to apologize until I saw who I'd bumped into.

*Please share with your fellow Emblems :) Tell me what I can improve on :) Comment, vote, fan!

-Ernold :D*

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