Three :]

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*Hello, third part (finally) hope you enjoy! :)

Thank you so much for the almost 200 reads!! ILY xx*

Hannah's POV

Holy nuggets. Did I just bump into Wesley Trent Stromberg? Wow. I absolutely adored Emblem3, and to add to it, Wes was my favourite by a long shot. This certainly made my day a lot better!

I looked at his appearance. His hair was messily arranged, flicking out at random places around his ears. It also looked squashed, maybe by a hat or SnapBack or something. The earrings he had. The small, white ones. What were they called? Earlets or something rather. Meh. His brown eyes and how they captured mine. Oh my gosh, I almost melted. I broke eye contact and looked further down. His abs were prominent and I wanted to squeal. I bit my bottom lip to stop that from happening. He chuckled and I looked away, blushing.

Wes' POV

Woah. This girl looked amazing. Her blonde hair cascaded past her shoulders, wavy but not wavy, if you get my drift. There were many girls we had met but none made such an impact on me. I was never really attracted to girls with blonde hair but she was the only exception. Her blue eyes pierced mine. They were bluer than the ocean, even on a summer day. She looked my body. Dude, she was totally checking me out! I chuckled at that and she looked away, her cheeks flooding with colour.

Hannah's POV

"Hello," Wes smiled.

"H-hi," I replied, still in awe of this wonderful being in front of me.

"Sorry about before, wasn't looking where I was going," he said.

"That's alright, Wes," I calmed down.

He stared at me, eyes widening.

"Are you gonna scream or anything?" he asked, a little wary.

"No I'm not, I'm not one of those girls who scream at everything - I'm more reserved than most people."

"Oh phew! Hey, it's great meeting people who aren't normal!" Wes smiled.

"Are you saying I'm not normal?" I frowned.

"No no no, that's not what I meant! Well, that was I meant but I didn't mean it like that!" he stuttered.

"So what did you mean?" I asked, slightly amused. I did know what he was trying to say, I just wanted to see his reaction.

"I meant that, it's nice to have someone treat you like a normal person when you've been treated like a not-so-normal person, if you get me?" He stumbled on his words.

"Yeah I do, I got you the first time," I said, cracking a smile.

"Why thank you, for letting me embarrass myself in front of a beautiful girl," he remarked sarcastically.

My cheeks instantly turn bright pink for the second time.

"Really?" I asked shyly.

"Really," he replied.

"Thank you," I smiled. "Hey, are you doing anything now? Come with me for an ice cream?"

"Oh, I was just gonna go sabotage Keats and Drew over there but that can wait."

We walked next to each other to the nearby ice cream store. I got a chocolate ice cream while Wes got a vanilla. I fished through my pockets to find some money.

"Hey, look over there!" Wes pointed behind me. I turned around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I looked back to ask what it was when I saw that Wes had cheekily paid. We both made our way outside and started eating our ice creams.

"Oi! What was that for? I could've paid!"

"Ah, but that wouldn't make me a gentleman, would it?" he winked.

I huffed, pouting.

"Aw don't be sad! You can pay next time if you want!"

"Ok," I grinned.

We headed back to the beach and sat down. Wes turned to me and said,

"Well this is kind of awkward, but I don't actually know your name," he said sheepishly.

"Oh right, sorry! It's Hannah," I replied.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said.

I blushed, making Wes smirk.

"Stop flattering me."

"Why should I?"

"Because... I don't know," I shrugged playfully, smiling a little bit.

"Why, do you have a boyfriend who flatters you all the time?" He laughed.

My smile faded, my anger starting to return to me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Wes asked me, touching my arm.

"My stupid excuse of a boyfriend - wait, ex-boyfriend - was being the nutjob he was and apparently started a relationship with another girl and when I went over to his place, was playing tonsil hockey with her."

"Are you OK? Sorry for bringing it up," he apologized.

"It's alright, there was something a tad 'off' about the relationship, if you get my drift."

"Well you can certainly do better than him, by the sounds of it!"

"Anyway, enough about my sob story, have you had any girl problems before?"

He shared his story of when Drew and him liked the same girl and everything got awkward and how she left him for Drew, who she then left. We talked for a it more, just about our lives. If people noticed us, we would look like two old friends catching up.

A few hours later, it was time for me to head back home.

"Thank you," I smiled genuinely.

"What for?" Wes asked, grabbing my hands.

"For making my seemingly bad day turn into a good one."

"It's been a pleasure, I'm sure Drew and Keats can survive by themselves without me. I'll sabotage them next time!" He laughed. "Hey um... I just met you, and this is crazy. Can I have your number?"

"Smooth, Wes, smooth," I grinned. I handed him my phone and he gave me his. I put my number in and the contact name as "

HannahTheCoolestChickYouHaveEverMet'. We gave our phones back to each other and Wes said,

"Here's my number, so call me maybe?" he winked and started walking away.

I giggled and headed in the opposite direction. I heard Wes' voice shouting,

"Bye Hannah, the coolest chick I have ever met!"

"Bye Wes!" I turned around and waved to him.

After a while, I reached home. I dropped everything and got dressed. I sat on the couch, reflecting everything that happened today, from the bad to the good. I felt my phone vibrate and saw that I had got a text from 'Sexy Stromberg ;)':

SS: I had a great time today :) x

H: Same :) see you around :) x

I sent that text and smiled, chilling for the rest of the night. *Comment, vote, fan :) Please share with your friends that get Wesley feels, got it? :) -Ernold :)

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