Chapter 1

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"Yuki!" Was the last thing Kodai said as he pulls the trigger to the Wave Motion Gun moments before the Yamato explodes taking the Gamillas vessel with it.

Meanwhile, Belfast and Vestal were walking around the beach discussing about Enterprise when they noticed something or someone on the ground trying to lift itself up before collapsing. "Belfast could you give me a hand and carry this person to the infirmary?" Belfast nodded as Vestal grabbed the unconscious person on the legs as the head maid wraps her arms around it before taking him to the infirmary.

At the same, Sheffield and Edinburgh hopped onboard a ship that appeared suddenly on their radar. "Sheffy what are we looking for?" "The ship's human form so that we could ask her a few questions." "What if we can't find her but she does and capture us!" Edinburgh exclaims as Sheffield noticed a sign in the hall with a sideview of two ships:

" "What if we can't find her but she does and capture us!" Edinburgh exclaims as Sheffield noticed a sign in the hall with a sideview of two ships:

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Underneath the ships, was the ship's name and registry which read:

UNCF Yamato

Edinburgh took a sharper look at the ship at the bottom and jumped back! "Sheffy! It's a Sakura Empire ship!" Sheffield went into a deep thought. "We'll have more help to look for the person when we get back Edinburgh pull out your ship and keep your guns pointed to the rear."

Once they arrived the two maids went to where Wales, Illustrious, Hood, and both Queen Elizabeth and Warspite were as the group was wondering about the mysterious ship having some connection to the person who's currently in the infirmary.

A few days:

As Kodai slowly regain his consciousness, he tried to open his eyes, but couldn't until he felt that there was a bandage wrapped around his head and over the eyes. "That's right!"

"What's right?" A voice asked. "My eyes were damaged on the last shot fired in the war against Gamillas!" He answers to the voice. "Gamillas? Who are they?" The person asks someone came in. "Vestal! Do you still have those ration bars I told you to hide from Belfast?" "Last I check, Enterprise, it's under a few rolls of gauze on that box on the bottom shelf near the sink." The Carrier sighs in relief. "Thanks Vestal and it looks like our guest is conscious so when he's ready to be released, bring him to the conference room." "I will Enterprise."

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