Chapter 9

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Kodai launched the Black Tigers before giving the go to the shipgirls before they jumped towards the water to help out those who were sending out the distress call.

"Girls, this is Kodai, I'll be heading underwater inorder to level out the playing field as for my Black Tigers, they'll provide the air support." He said as his Submarine rigging formed on him.

The others nodded as they went on their way to rescue as Kodai submerges himself.

U-101 felt something in her radar and looks towards the direction where the signals coming from to see a weird looking Submarine and on the surface, siluettes of unkown shipgirls.

"Everyone we've got company, so concentrate all your fire at them!" She signals the others with her as they stopped firing at the two injured Sakura Empire Battleships.

Seeing the events unfold, Kodai immediately fired a few torpedoes at the enemy but detonates them before they hit their targets.

"That's your only warning, retreat now and you won't sink today!" He warns as the Subs were disoriented from the blast.

"I I agree with what he said!" One said as she was panicking.

"Yeah cause 101! Didn't you felt the torpedoes' shockwave?" Another said causing U-101 to rethink and lead the retreat with the persuasion of a few depth charges from Sheffield.

Moments later, the Azur Lane brought out their ships and brought both Nagato and Mutsu into the Yamato's infirmary.

"Sheffield, take care of these two please and inform me when either one of them recovers." He said as he left the infirmary to Sheffield's care.

"As you wish, and one more thing why are your planes still out there?" She asks.

"It's for patrol purposes only so there's no worry if I catch some Z's just like Laffey here." He explained mentioning Laffey who was out on one of the beds.

Ironblood Headquarters:

"Kommandant Dessler!" Bismark said as she barges into the Gamillan's office.

"Is there any good news developing recently?" He asks.

"No good news sir for the most part, it's just that we've received a report from another Sub Fleet about that strange Battleship." She explains.

"What happened this time?" He asks the Ironblood Battleship.

"They've been forced into a retreat by it and the Azur Lane although the initial part of the report was that they nearly sank two of the Sakura's Big Seven." She explains as Dessler smiles.

"That's excellent news, Bismark but what about any other Azur Lane or Sakura Empire Battleships that are still a danger like your 'secret crush'?"

Bismark gulps as she hears this. "Leave Hood out of this please, she planned on moving to the German countryside before all this happened!"

"Well then, for that I'll make an exception and I'll personally order any Subs to not sink Hood but instead capture her and to bring her to you." He said with a smile before Bismarck left.

"I feel like he's threatening me, but what am I going to do now?" Bismark thought to herself as she went outside to get fresh air.

"Hahahaha! Bismark knows that I know that she's onto me and I only said that this Hood will be in her arms when in fact, she's going to be interrogated for her fellow Battleship's location by me!" Dessler thought to himself.

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