Chapter 18

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Early Morning:

"Alright when my short range radar detects any enemy vessel, I ll give out the orders for you to get those weapons hot and running, by then they'll reach the edge of your firing range inwhich they'll start the attack." Kodai orders the flagships of the other fleets.

"You've got it Commander." Enterprise replied as she went to go get the word to her fleet as well the others to their respective.

"Commander?" He said to himself unknowingly heard by a maid.

"What Enterprise meant is that you've got the qualities of a commanding officer incharge of us Kansens." Belfast explains

"My former Commanding Officer once told me that I was command material but I've made a choice that killed members of my own crew and I'm hoping that none of you perish in the upcoming battle." Kodai explains before he noticed Belfast smile.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing its just that you've been chosen for the right reasons Kodai and I bet that your captain would be proud of how far you've gone from commanding one ship in your home up till today by commanding a huge fleet of ships." Belfast replied as Kodai's alarms started bleeping.

"All Battleships target's straight ahead from our ports and fire!" Kodai orders as every Battleships fired their cannons.

Ironblood Fleet:

"No!" Graff yelled.

"What's the problem?" Hipper asked.

"My first wave of Aircraft has been shot down by shells!" Graff exclaims as she commands her remaining squadrons to be over cloud level.

"Very well then, all Submarines dive down and when in range fire!" Dessler orders as he noticed what Graff Zeppelin was saying. "I can't believe that we're forced to go to stage two of our assault."

Sakura Empire Base:

Kodai turns to Queen Elizabeth and said. "Your Majesty, I suggest that your fleet should head out to intercept the first wave."

Queen Elizabeth nodded as she commands her fleet to head out and be the first to intercept the enemy.

The Battle raged on as more Ironblood reinforcements arrived and both Enterprise's and Nagato's fleet went in to block the enemy fleet.

Unkown to them, was that a fleet of Siren ships were lurking in the water alongside a ship that Dessler had the Ironblood to build.

"Yamato your time's almost up." He said as the Sirens began to surface.

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