Chapter 14

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Ironblood HQ:

Bismark woke up inside a white room where she noticed the Kommandant.

"Kommandant, what happened to me?" She asks.

"According to Roon, you seemed to have fainted and from what I believe is the way you've been overworking yourself." He replied.

"I was going around the Base to see who is suitable for the invasion onto Sakura Empire and to stay and defend our Base Kommandant as from what I heard from a spy who I sent to Azur Lane, is that there'll be a force heading here." Bismark explains to the Gamillan.

"Well Bismark, I know how much you wanted to lead the invasion but I want you to stay and help keep the Base defended." He suggested.

"I suppose Kommandant at least it'll give me time to prepare to fight the invaders and did you find the lists suitable to your expectations?" She asks.

"It's enough to tip the scales with our new Drill Weapons." Dessler answers before he left to get the shipgirls he needs for the invasion.


"So you're telling me that you're not from this time but from the future?" Zuikaku asks Kodai who nodded.

"So how'd you end up here?" Shoukaku asks him.

"Someone who called herself Teresa of Telezart brought ne here saying that I was needed in another world." Kodai explains as he stood up and smiled at an approaching landmass

Sakura Empire HQ:

"Mikasa, according to Mutsu, the fleet from Azur Lane is a few kilometers away." Someone said as she reported to the Sakura Empire Battleship.

"Thank you Yamato, and please get everything ready for theirs arrival." Mikasa orders the Dreadnought Battleship who left to prepare everything for their guests.

Time Skip:

The Space Battleship and the others accompanying him docked at the port where a couple of ships were waiting for them.

"Hello Azur Lane my names Mikasa and this is..." Mikasa introduces herself and Yamato before being interrupted.

"Yuki?" Kodai asks as he looks at Yamato as if he knew her.

"Who is this Yuki and who are you?" Yamato asks Kodai.

"My name is Susumu Kodai of the U.N.C.F Yamato and Yuki was my love in another place and another time." The male explains.

"I'm Yamato and I don't remember anyone serving aboard me with that name." Yamato said as she took out her Katana.

"Yamato stop, he's not from here!" Nagato yells at the Sakura Dreadnought.

"What do you mean Nagato?" She asks as she puts her Katana away.

"What I mean is that he's from a different time take a look at the ships and look for one with a hole on the bow." Nagato orders.

Yamato looks at the ships and spotted one with the hole on the bow. "So where is me from the future as I only see your respective human forms."

"I am the Yamato's human form." Kodai answers.

"Show me if that's true." Yamato demanded the male.

"Alright then 'Yamato Hasshin'!" He yells out as the Space Battleship turned into a huge number of cubes that merged onto him.

"Alright then 'Yamato Hasshin'!" He yells out as the Space Battleship turned into a huge number of cubes that merged onto him

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(This is Kodai's rigging when not in combat)

"I believe that this is how my rigging is when I'm not in combat." He explains as Yamato was in surprised.

"Are you a descendant of me?" She asks him.

"I am not, but my Yamato, was rebuilt from your wreckage in my world as a last hope to save humanity." He replied as he brings out his ship back to where he docked it.

While the Battleships were having a conversation, Ayanami felt something pop up in her radar. "Excuse me, everyone, but are feeling something strange in your Radars?"

"I feel it as well, Ayanami and to make sure I'll send in a scout plane." Kodai replies as a Cosmo Zero launched.

I-401 surfaced as she neared the Sakura docks, when she noticed a strange looking aircragt taking off what looks to be a Battleship. "Was that a Siren Jet and who is that strange looking Battleship it's something that I never seen before?" She wonders.

Author's Note:

Woah! Two of my stories are in the top 2 on the #enterprise I can't believe it!

Woah! Two of my stories are in the top 2 on the #enterprise I can't believe it!

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