Getting to know each other

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Valentina's P.O.V

"Come in." Ellie was it? Says.

I walk in carefully and look around. It's a cute place. Small but fine.

"This is a nice place."
"Thanks. Just enough for me."

So she lives here alone.

"What's your name? I wanted to ask but didn't wanna bother ya."
"Sorry. I was too.. Yea name's Valentina." I hold out my hand out to her.
"Ellie. Again." She smiles and shakes my hands.
"Sorry for holding you in a choke hold by the way." I say slightly embarrassed.
"You were scared it's fine." She says.

I look at her and look down.

"You hungry?"
"Starving." I immediately reply.
"Okay follow me. And don't worry about anyone they are nice." Ellie laughs.
"Oh yea. You don't have to worry about that." I give her a small smile.

Once we get to the food centre we get our food and sit down.
"This is so good." I say closing my eyes and chew.
"Only the best."
"Hey." I hear another voice behind me.
"Oh hey Dina." Ellie says.
"And who is this?" She says looking at me.
"Dina i would like you to meet Valentina."
"Hi there Valentina! I'm Dina." She says holding out her hand.
"Hi. Nice to meet you." I respond taking her hand.

She takes a seat next to Ellie and we start from there.

Ellie's P.O.V

We are back to my house. Dina and Valentina seem to get along so far.

"Um do you mind me asking about something?" I want to know why she was in tears earlier.
"Go ahead."
"Why were you crying?"

I can see she wasn't expecting that and almost choked on something.

"Well if you really wanna know. Before I was on the snow laying down. I was with a friend. Her name was Celeste. She wasn't just a friend. She was my best friend."
"Was huh?"

This don't sound good

"Yea. Then we were chased by some infected so we ran inside a garage. Without knowing it a Bloater was there first. And.." Valentina was starting to get teary again.
"And the Bloater took hold of her and torn her to pieces." At this point she was sobbing.
"I'm so sorry. To make you feel better that happened to me. Her name was Riley. It was a long time ago when i was 14." I say looking at my tattoo.
"Oh. Sorry."
"Don't worry about it."
"What happened there?" She asked looking at my tattoo. No way I'm telling her.
"Chemical burn. So I tattooed it."

I look at her. Not really noticing how beautiful she is. I look at her up and down.

"Nothing." I snap out of it

"Think you could use new clothes no?"
"Oh. If you don't mind."

Valentina's P.O.V

Ellie looked at me up and down. I did the same. She's good looking. Like i find her attractive. I'm not gay but i get a vibe around Ellie. A good vibe.

"Here." Ellie says handing me a shirt and jeans of hers.

I don't think. I just take off the old dirty wet shirt i have along with my pants.

I stay like that for a second to look at the new clothes. Then I slip on the jeans and look at Ellie who was staring at me.

"Sorry I thought we were both females so you know."
"Uh it's.. It's okay." Ellie responds.

I then put on the shirt and sniff it. Her scent is so nice.

Ellie's P.O.V

Okay she took off all her clothes in front of me and also sniffs them.

"Oh sorry." Valentina say nervously.
"It's good." I reply
"You just smell nice."

I feel my cheeks heat up.

Valentina's P.O.V

Did i really just..

I feel like my cheeks are a reddish color.

"Thanks." Ellie sits on her bed.

"How do i look?" I try not making it awkward than it already is.
"Like me." Ellie laughs.
"Haha so funny." I can see we are already getting along.

*Knock knock*

"Who is it?" Ellie shouts.
"Your old man."

Ellie scoffs and opens the door.
"I heard you two laughing." He says.
"Sorry i um-" I was cut off by him.
"Don't be sorry. It's called bonding."
"What do you want Joel?"

That's his name.

"Came to check up on ya."
"Okay well thanks for doing so." Ellie was about to close the door but Joel stopped it from doing so.
"Not on you Ellie. On her" Ellie looked offended.
"Oh. Joel was it?"
"That would be me yes."
"I'm Valentina." I say holding out my hand.
"Joel." He doesn't shake it. Cold.

I guess Ellie noticed because she spoke up.

"That's all you came for? Just to leave her hanging?"
"Okay then. Good bye Joel." Ellie escorted him out. And closed the door behind him.
"That was kinda rude." I tell her.
"He's used to it."
"Is that so?"
"Hey he started it."
"Right. He's your father?" I ask
"More like really annoying babysitter."

I can't help but laugh.

"You're so funny. You know that?"
"You're so beautiful you know that?" Ellie just looks at me. Looks like she didn't regret it.

Ellie's P.O.V

Fuck me. Why did i say that out fucking loud?

Valentina looks a bit uncomfortable but looks at me with a smile. I smile at her too. We lean in closer together but had to be interrupted.

"Ellie!" It was Jesse.

I scoff and walk to the door.

"What do you want?"
"Maria wants to see her.
"How do you know she's here?"
"Of course. We'll be there in a bit."
"Just get there in time."
"Yes sir." I say sarcasticly.

I close the door.

"Someone wants to see you Val." I turn to Valentina
"Maria. She kinda runs things around here."
"Like a boss?"
"More like the government."
"I see."

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