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Ellie's P.O.V

"No Val. You can't turn into them." I look at Valentina with glassy eyes.
"Oh Ellie. I didn't want things to turn out like this. There were a thousand ways i was supposed to die. But getting infected was not on the list."
"So what now?"
"This is the end for me Ellie. Go back and forget me. Be happy."
"No Valentina. I can't do that."
"Yes you can."

Valentina hands me her revolver,"Shoot me."
"What? Val i can't do that.."
"Then I'll do it. I don't want to be like those things Ellie!"
"No. Okay okay. I'll do it." I grab the gun from her and aim it at her head.
"Please make it quick."

My breathing speeds up as I'm aiming the gun at her head. I look her in the eyes and drop the gun. I drop to the floor and catch my breath I didn't realize i was holding.

"No Val. I really can't. Let's just wait it out yea?"
"I don't know Ellie."
"Please. I want to at  least spend some time with you for the last time."

Valentina doesn't say a thing. She signals me to sit down next to her.

"I didn't mean anything when we were arguing."
"I love you Val. I really do. I should of never kissed Dina when we are dating. I should of came after you earlier and maybe we wouldn't be in this fucking mess." I say kicking away a can in anger and regret.
"Ellie i overreacted. I was well aware Dina was drunk. I should be the one apologizing." Valentina says holding my hand.

I look at her with a side smile. I look at her lips and put my hand on her cheek,"One last time.." I say before smashing my lips on hers.

Valentina grips my arm and pulls away,"Don't make this hard for us Ellie."
"Right." I sit back and wait for a while before speaking.

"Don't leave me Val."
"Ellie.." Valentina starts sobbing.
"I don't want to be with anyone else who isn't you." I grab her hand.
"We can't do anything else. Just wait until i loose my mind."

I have a flashback of when Riley said those words. But paraphrased.

"I don't want that to happen."
"Deal with it Ellie."

37 minutes later

I look over at Valentina. She is leaning against my shoulder.
"Valentina. Wake up."
"How are you feeling?"
"No different."

That's how i felt when i first got bitten. But i didn't want to jump into conclusions.

"We should head back."
"You should."
"No Val. I won't leave without you."
"What if i turn and bite you."
"I'll just.. Look i can't turn. I'm immune remember?"
"Well still."

I grab her arm and walk towards Shimmer.

"Get on."
"I don't know Ellie."
"Do it." I demand.

I help her up and she does the same.

"Ellie." Valentina grasps my arm.
"Just leave me."
"We are only two hours away. We can make it and figure something out.

2 hours later

"Ellie is back with Valentina! Open it up!"

The gates open.

"What the hell happened and where were you?!" Joel runs to us.
"Joel stop overreacting."
"Is she okay?" Joel looks at Valentina.

I look at her and tears fall down. Instead of Joel yelling at me. He gives me a big hug.

"We'll talk later kiddo."
"Hi." Valentina walks to Joel with her Jacket covering her bite mark.
"You okay?"
"Not really."
"Can we speak privately Joel. This is serious." I say.

Joel nodds and walks with me away from everyone else.
"Okay don't freak out but, Valentina was bitten by a runner three hours ago. Maybe a little more."
"She was bitten?"
"Yeah. And not to get anyone's hopes up but. I think it's not affecting her."
"How do you know?"
"Joel. I was bitten at fourteen. The bite mark on Valentina's shoulder still looks fresh."
"Kid what are you trying to say?"
"I think she might be immune."

I smile at him. He just looks at me and at Valentina.

"We'll have to see for sure."
"Let's keep her locked up."
"Or she can stay at my house for a while."
"No Ellie."
"Come on Joel!"
"Okay but if something happens it's on you."
"It always has." I look at Joel with a cold face as he leaves.

"Ellie something isn't right."
"Val. If I tell you something you won't freak right."
"Okay so it's been over six hours and that bite mark is looking good."
"What if you're immune?"
"Ellie cut the bullshit."
"No really."

Valentina looks at her bite.

"I should know. I really think you are."
"What if it's not true?"
"And if it is?"
"Let's not get our hopes up Ellie."

Valentina walks away from me but I walk on over to her.

"Too late for that." I smile.

Valentina just rolls her eyes at me.

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