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"Open the gates!"

The gates open and we take Shimmer inside the stables.

"Ellie! Val!" Dina runs to us and hugs us.
"Hi. It's been a while Dina." Ellie replies.
"Val you never came to hang out."
"I am so sorry."
"It's okay. Whenever you are free."
"Tonight i promise."
"Sounds good."
"Dina have Jesse or Joel told you anything about me?"
"Jesse just asked where you were. Now Joel might be mad when he found out."
"Great." Ellie scoffed.
"Well I'll you Ellie around. Now I'll see you in a few hours." Dina pointed at me and waved good bye.
"Looks like I'm busy tonight." I tell Ellie.
"Looks like it."

Both Ellie and I walk to our house. Yes ours because i don't have one.. Yet.

"You hungry?" Ellie says handing me a cooked meat.
"Not really."
"Just take a bite."
"What is it?"
"Uh deer."
"Okay. One bite."

I take a bite, chew, and swallow.

"Feels good being home."
"I love being here."
"So. What do you wanna do?"
"I gotta go talk to Joel."
"Yea. He'll be mad and act like my dad. I hate it."
"Why? Because he cares about you?"
"No. He is just always involved with what I do."
"I would like to have someone like that."
"No. Someone who cares about me the way my parents used to.."
"Used to what?"
"Care about me. I don't remember my parents."
"Me too. Maybe they left me or died. I don't wanna know."
"You should go with Joel. Talk to him. Try to be easy on him he just really cares about you.
"Okay I'll try. For you."

I smile,"Thanks. I'll go with Dina."

We kiss goodbye and walk the opposite direction.

Knock knock

"Dina it's me!"
"Hey Val. Come on in." Dina says opening the door enough so i can walk in.
"This is a nice place. So cozy." I say looking around and touching whatever I see.
"Thanks. Follow me."

I follow Dina to the small living room.

"Pick a movie." Dina tells me with a smile.

I close my eyes and point my finger then move it around to where the pile of movies are. I stop and look to where my finger was pointing. Dina picks it up.
"Sweet. I've always wanted to watch "Killer tire"." She said with a smile.

She put the CD in and played the movie on a small old TV.

Halfway through the movie Dina turned to me.

"This movie is pretty boring."
"It's okay."
"It's just about a tire rolling around and whatever it touches dies."
"It's still pretty good."

Dina laughs and turns ofthe TV.
"Heyy!" I yell like little kid.
"It was boring. So let's just talk."
"Ugh fiiiine."

Ellie's P.O.V

"Hey Joel."
"Hey kiddo."
"Uh I'm back."
"Where did you go?"
"I went outside with Valentina."
"Just to get outta here. Like-"
"What if something happened to you?"
"I'm still here. Right?"
"Ellie.." Joel put his fingers on his nose between his eyes.
"Joel! I'm not the little girl you had to smuggle out."
"I am still taking care of you."
"I can take care of myself."
"Sure you can."
"What you don't trust me?"
"Oh i trust you but not the people and those thing out there."
"I can't get infected!"
"And people after you?"
"No one's after me."

Joel looks down at his mug. Then at me.

"Fine. Do what you want. But i ain't saving your ass again." He says then walks into his house.
"I will!" I yell hoping he can hear me and also walk away.

I walk to my house with my hands in my pockets. Why is he so harsh? I stop when i hear Valentina and Dina laughing. I am in front of her house. The window is opened so i can hear what they are saying. Barley. They sat behind the window, i can see their every move.

Valentina looked outside then at me. She smiled at me but i just walked away.

Valentina's P.O.V

Dina and I were making dirty jokes and laughed at them.

"So there is a party tomorrow night."
"Yup. You going "
"Maybe. We'll see."

For some reason i look outside and see Ellie standing there and looking at us. I smile at her but she doesn't. Instead she walks away. What's wrong?

"Hey i think i should go." I say looking back at Dina.
"Aw. Why?"
"Ellie.. Something isn't right."
"Is she okay?"
"Yea. She's just off."
"Okay. We'll hangout another time then."
"Of course."

I hug Dina goodbye and run out of there. I run back home and open the door. When i do i see Ellie sitting on the bed and looking outside.

"Ellie what's wrong?"
"It didn't go right?"
"I'm sorry baby." I smiled when i realized i called her that for the first time.

Ellie lifted her gaze and looked at me. Her face brightened up.

"I love you so much Val." Ellie says putting a hand in my cheek.
"I do too Ellie." I kiss her forehead.

I sit down on her lap and we both look out the window. The dark sky looked so beautiful with the stars shining for decoration. Not to mention the tall tress in the background.

"Dina said there was a party tomorrow night."
"Oh yea?"
"Yup. You want to go?"
"Don't feel like it." She says
"Oh." I guess she saw the upset in me when.
"But if you want to go I'll go."
"You're the best."
"Nah. You are."

We stay like that looking out the window until we fall asleep.

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