16: as disgusting as me

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"hello, junhui! why a—"

"hello, seungcheol. i present to you: lee chan dressed like a hobo." junhui steps aside for chan and minghao to be in seungcheol's view. chan kept on trying to break free from minghao who restrained his arm movements. "he has something to tell you."

"i'm going to let go. don't run away, chan!" minghao says, loosening his grip on chan. the two chinese men backed away as they watched chan closely, waiting for his next move.

"seungcheol." chan dropped to his knees and took one of seungcheol's hands, almost immediately. the older was flabbergasted, there was a crowd around them, cameras flashing everywhere, gasps and whispers surrounding the two.

"is he going to propose?"

"oh my god, i don't know who they are but i like this."

"is that dino?!"

"that's the fashion designer! who is this guy then?"

"whoever the kneeling guy is, he's a hot hobo!"

seungcheol's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to pull chan up. seungcheol was upset at chan, but publicity makes seungcheol overwhelmed. "what the fuck are you doing? stand up!"

"seungcheol, you know, i messed up. well, i tried to make up for it by saying my apologies to jisoo and jeonghan about thousands of times and doing lots of favors for them. then i realized that they're not the only ones i should say sorry too." chan's eyes pooled with tears, gulping saliva before he continued.

chan never got the chance to continue. seungcheol pulled him up on his feet, before the designer dragged him outside the botique. the older did not seem to like chan's stunt earlier. yeah right, with that glare? chan knows he's dead. "what are you doing?!"

"i don't know! i just moved on impulse and—" chan sighed, wiping away the unshed tears as his gaze dropped to his shoes. the other just stood in front of chan in anticipation. "i feel very very bad because you started avoiding me, and the missed calls and the unseen texts—it's so unsettling—i, oh my god—"

"chan, calm down. i can't understand anything." seungcheol crossed his arms over his chest, observing the younger. being unpredictable, seungcheol was a little scared of what chan might possibly do. just like him kneeling down in front of seungcheol earlier:unpredicted. "okay, ready?"

chan nodded. he choked out a shaky breath, before explaining. "fuck you." chan mutters, making seungcheol put on a sour expression. "you've been on my mind for a month, and when you avoided me, it felt like i was not able to be happy without you when i did just fine before we became closer to each other. i wanted to say sorry a lot of times, like how i did to jeonghan and jisoo because you deserve thousands of my apologies just as much as they do.

"it's like... i'm being punished for what i did. i know i deserve to be punished, but, it was just too harsh. everytime i think of you and how you see me as after i snapped, i choke on tears and i want to—jesus christ..." chan stopped speaking, wiping his tears away as he sobbed. the man did not even know that he was already crying as he spoke. "i-i'm sorry. very very very much. you can feed me pizza w-with pineapples if you want, because it's just as disgusting as me."

seungcheol's expression softened, and he lowered down his crossed arms after a while. he pulled the crying chan into his comforting arms, as the boy automatically buried his face in seungcheol's chest. seungcheol did not mind at all, even if it will look like he was sweating after chan pulls away from crying into his shirt.

"don't worry. i'm not that cruel, i won't feed you pizza with pineapples." seungcheol rubbed the back of chan, attempting to soothe him. "i've been on your mind for quite a while, huh?"

"as embarrassing as it s-seems, yes," chan chuckled with seungcheol. chan could hear cameras shuttering, so the choreographer looked up to seungcheol with wide eyes. "oh no, the media!"

"don't worry about them. i'm not much of a famous icon yet," seungcheol giggled, letting go of chan to wipe the younger's tears from his face. chan's lips curled into a smile, tightening his grip on seungcheol's torso. "you're not that known as well."

chan scoffed playfully, making seungcheol laugh. chan joined in a little later. "our position right now seems really poignant, so..." chan awkwardly let go of seungcheol, stepping back a few inches to give seungcheol some space. "anyway, again, i'm really very sorry. thank you for ignoring me, you really made me feel like i was dying."

seungcheol raised an eyebrow, still smiling. "i avoided you because i thought you would be embarrassed to see me."

"yeah, i am still embarrassed."

"why though?" seungcheol squinted, puckering his lips. "you said what you wanted to say. we're back to what we were before. whatever we were before."


oh fuck. chan was not supposed to confess. he only planned on saying his apologies—this is so not the perfect time to confess. if chan were to confess, he should've brought flowers and pizza since that's what seungcheol likes. he did not come prepared.

but no, there's no turning back now, right? chan already started and if he were to tell seungcheol to disregard it, the older would be persistent and would constantly ask about what it was really about.

"....there's something else."

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