17: bet they're going to kiss

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everyone in the botique were speechless as seungcheol dragged chan outside. minghao immediately grabbed junhui.

"hey, what the fuck? what is up with them?! is seungcheol-hyung mad?!" minghao frantically asked. junhui laughed at the latter like this was a frivolous matter, making minghao scoff. "hey, i'm serious here! what if my roommate gets hurt?!"

"hey, seungcheol may be built like a brick shit out, but he's not that type of guy." junhui said in defense of the camel-like man. minghao nodded, eyebrows raised. "your roommate is the one for violence, though."

"hey, he only does it jokingly. this is not a laughing matter to him." minghao retorts. "we sound like dance moms comparing our children." the two laughed at minghao's remark, as they watched chan explain in front of an unimpressed seungcheol from inside the botique.

"so, chan and seungcheol? quite unexpected." junhui nods at the two people outside, who were the center of attention. "they hated each other."

"um, 'hated'," minghao deadpanned, glancing at junhui. junhui chuckled at minghao's attitude towards his statement. "they're all okay now. i bet they're going to kiss later on."

"ooh, ooh. look. they're hugging." junhui points to the couple outside, and minghao slow claps. junhui laughed, mirroring what minghao did as the other people inside kept on snapping pictures of the two. "they're bold."


"as in, daring. clean your mind. jesus," junhui shook his head, staring at his shoes. minghao giggled and clutched his stomach, finding his mistake a little funny. "oh, that giggle. i like it."

"really? i sound like a high school girl." minghao repeats his actions: giggling and clutching his stomach. junhui nods and points to minghao.

"sounds enchanting to me," junhui said. "almost surpassing my girlfriend's."

minghao's giggles faltered, and junhui just stared at the smaller obliviously. minghao tried not to mess up any of his words. "tell.. uh, instead, i'm going to say sorry to you and hyaeom. what i'd done at jeonghan and jisoo's wedding was untolerable."

"yes, i accept the apology," junhui smiled, offering his hand to minghao. the younger chinese man was a little confused, but he shook junhui's hand. minghao liked junhui being weird anyway. "but i don't know about hyaeom."

"what? isn't she like a kind and caring woman?" minghao asks, letting go of junhui's hand. junhui laughed, and minghao gets even more confused. "what?! what's so funny?!"

"hyaeom is.... okay, a little bit of drama here, are you ready?" junhui asks and minghao nods. "hyaeom thinks i'm cheating on her with you so she's kinda asking for space."

minghao did not want to be like chan and mislead everyone. minghao quickly denied anything that hyaeom is speculating. "shit, okay, i liked you, but i'm not trying to come between you two and destroy what you guys had for two years. i just acted up at the party because i was drunk."

"yeah, i know." junhui gives minghao a reassuring smile, letting minghao breathe comfortably. that smile always worked. "hmm, liked? sure?"

"are you fucking trying to hit on me?"

"no, no," junhui laughed, while minghao was still looking at junhui like a critic who did not like whatever junhui did. "just kidding. i think you're a great person, but i love hyaeom."

minghao smiled reassuringly at the taller. "i'm fine with us being just friends, junhui. no worries."

"besides," junhui glanced at the two outside, who were still hugging. "the puppy will get mad at me if i hit on you."

"puppy?" minghao repeats. "mingyu?"

junhui pretended to be mortified of what minghao just said. the smaller rolled his eyes. "oh no, what did i do? mingyu will kill me, oh no oh no!"

"shut up." minghao quipped, junhui laughed.

the two stayed in silence. junhui was glad that he got some sort of reassurance from minghao, and that minghao didn't mean to start drama with hyaeom when he spilled wine all over her. meanwhile, minghao was contended with what they had as of now. only friends, and that's okay.

well, what about the two losers making a scene outside? still enemies, just friends, or something else?

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