Chapter Four

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"The king seems really mean," said Clay. "And what does caress mean?"

Darryl paused. "Ask your parents later."

"Okay!" The trio said gleefully. "Keep going!"

Dave started awake, Floof licking his face. He was 16 now, almost ready to join the military. He had trained for his entire life, becoming quite skilled with his diamond sword with a golden hilt. The unique weapon had been imported from Adamantem, even if his actions may have put a rift between the two royalties. They often visited, though being sure to leave Zak behind.

This day may be a another visiting day, as he heard the clip-clop of a horse with armor outside his window. Slipping on a black tunic and his tan breeches, he put on his crown again and hastily pulled on his cloak and bounded out of his room.

The carriage stopped, but there was something wrong with it. The horses looked weary, and some had arrows embedded in their armor. One even had the telltale injuries made only by a Sword of Shadows, made by the Finisver. The Finisver were people whose skin darkened with age, going from a pale white to a dark black in their lifetime. The poison in that blade sunk right into your bloodstream, giving your veins a shade of ebony instead of blue. This horse collapsed, and it took a shuddering breath, and then stilled.

Gulping, Dave opened the door to reveal not the King and Queen, but Prince Zak.

And he was dying.


Zak pitched forward, sword marks covering his pristine skin. An arrow was stuck in his arm, and his ankle looked swollen.

"Finisver," he coughed out, blue blood trickling from his mouth. "Mother, father. Dead. Last-" he coughed again. "Adamas royalty alive." His eyes rolled up to the back of his head, and he fell unconscious.

Dave leapt up, carrying the boy's much too small body in his arms. "Medic!" He called out. "I need a medic over here!"

A woman wearing the silver cloak of a medic stepped forward, and she took Zak out of Dave's arms. He reluctantly obliged, telling the girl to get people to help with the horses, too.

"Zak is your priority, though." he said deeply. "Keep him alive."

The woman nodded, and carried the prince to the infirmary. Dave raced into the castle and headed towards the barracks, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Soldiers! The Finisver have attacked the Adamas! Get your weapons ready, and let's fight!"

The soldiers yelled, and picked up their weapons. They marched out, nearly barreling into his father, who looked like he had just woken up.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked angrily.

Dave narrowed his eyes, the color darkened since he was younger. Instead of a cherry red, it now was a piercing maroon. "Adamantem is under siege. I expect you will be there to fight with your allies."

The king snarled. "How do you know this?"

He gulped. "Prince Zak came in his carriage critically injured. He said his parents are dead, and the Finisver have killed them."

His father cursed. "Go get your sword, boy. We've got a kingdom to kill." He walked off towards his army, and started shouting orders.

Dave released a breath he hadn't noticed he'd been holding. He realized it was because he had thought his father would berate him for holding or at least seeing the young prince. Shaking his head, he followed his military before the medic before stopped him.

"Sir, Prince Zak requested to see you!" She said in a squeaky voice.

Dave raised an eyebrow, but followed the girl to the infirmary, where the prince lay. His skin glowed brighter than usual, and many discarded potion bottles lay next to him on the bed stand. Crouching next to the prince, the pig whispered, "Zak, you wanted to see me?"

His eyes fluttered open, revealing a dull blue the color of polluted seawater. He smiled drunkenly, grasping Dave's hand. He giggled, his eyes unfocused.

The medic cleared her throat. "The potions used made him rather tipsy, but I can't deny him a visit. Would you like me to leave?"

Dave nodded. "Only for awhile. I need someone taking care of him."

She nodded and scurried away, shutting the door behind her.

"Davey Davey Dave-" said Zak, grasping the pig's forearm.

He struggled, the boy's grip holding strong. He tugged harder, wildly trying to release himself.

Zak held his gaze with Dave's. "I saw it all..." he muttered, surprisingly sober-sounding. "The way their blood spattered, their screams...don't go, please..."

He slumped backwards, and the nurse rushed back in.

"I suggest you go," she said, putting a cool cloth on the prince's forehead. Dave nodded, and stalked out with his hand on his sword's hilt.

He glared as he rallied his troops, thinking about how hollow Zak had sounded. He would make the Finisver pay.

He had a kingdom to kill.

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