Chapter Seven

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"Awww," said Clay.

"Ewww," said Nick. "I-I mean, nothing wrong with two boys holding hands, but I don't like lovey-dovey stuff."

Darryl laughed. "Alright, I get it. Now, where was I? Ah yes..."

Dave's eyes fluttered open, the smell of scrambled eggs and toast wafting through his nose. He sat up, his face turning a brilliant shade of red as he saw his hand grasped by Zak. Hanna, the medic, giggled as she watched Dave, holding a tray with two mugs, cream, and sugar.

"Coffee?" She asked between her laughter.

"Sure," Dave replied shakily, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. Trying to joke, he said, "As dark as my soul, please."

Hanna raised an eyebrow, pulling another mug from her pocket and pouring the cream into it, handing it to the pig. "Here you go!" She laughed, taking it back. "Kidding, kidding. But I see the way you look at Zak. It's no secret you care for the boy. You're not all blood and war."

He took the coffee-filled mug, drinking the bitter caffeine raw. "Alright, fine. He is kinda cute, I'll admit." He ignored the cheeky smile Hanna gave him. "That doesn't mean I love him, okay?"

Her face dropped into a serious frown. "Cmon, sire, your father is dead-"

"No need to remind me," he snarled. "'s just-this feels wrong." He glanced back at Zak. The boy still slept soundly, his hair tussled like he'd just been at the beach.

Hanna placed a hand on his thigh in a sisterly way. "Hey, listen. Nothing's wrong with love. Boy or girl, you still care for someone enough to spend your life with them. There's nothing wrong with that."

Dave smiled. "Thanks for everything. I'm sorry I never noticed you until helped me in more ways than anyone else could've, and I didn't even know your name until yesterday. How can I repay you?"

"Well, you can start by eating the breakfast I made you. You're probably starving."

"Oh, okay." He scooped up some eggs, salty and peppery goodness flooding into his mouth. He nodded. "That's good!"

"What is?" A high-pitched voice asked. Zak rubbed his eyes, the blue irises widening as he took in the smells and sights. "Yum! I'm hungry," He wolfed down the breakfast, barely stopping to breath. Hanna and Dave burst out laughing as he finally stopped to watch the two. "What?"

"Nothing," they said, still snickering.

The king cleared his throat. "Hanna, do you think Zak is ready to go back to Adamantem?" He had to admit, he didn't want the prince to leave so soon, but he was the last royal Adamas alive. He could visit again, now that his parents were gone, but he still enjoyed his company.

"Yes, he's been healing up quite nicely. I expect he can be out by tomorrow, today if he behaves." She waggled a finger at the boy as if he was a misbehaving pup, and he stuck out his tongue like a toddler, crossing his eyes. Dave chuckled, butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.

"Alright, mom, I'll be careful. I have to get back soon, though. Who knows what happened while there's been no king or queen." The pig was surprised at how calm Zak seemed. He would at least expect some crying or sadness talking about his murdered parents, but he seemed almost glad that they were gone.

Hanna caught Dave's eye. Judging by her expression, she was thinking the same thing he was. She cleared her throat, looking back at Zak. "Alright, your Highness, you have your leave."

"I'll send down some soldiers to escort you back," added Dave, opening the door for the prince.

Zak smiled as he exited, bouncing down the hallways. His face pink, Dave followed closely behind, keeping his eyes on the ground.

He passed the barracks, motioning to two men to follow him. He has picked out Finn and Darryl, two-

"That's you!" Exclaimed George.

"Yes. Please stop interrupting."

George's face dropped, embarrassed. "Right. Sorry."

Ahem...two warriors who where skilled with a bow. He hoped that their long-range weapons meant that they could see incoming enemies from afar. He didn't want Zak to be ambushed again.

They made a detour to the stables, where the Adamas's remaining horses were. They were already saddled up, looking confused as to why a random horse from the Porcus stables was hitched with them. It was a beautiful horse, really. The same shade of white as the Adamas steeds. He guessed the stableman liked to keep it matched.

He helped the prince into the carriage, nodding to his two warriors. Zak waved, grinning cheekily. Dave held a hand in farewell, watching the carriage ride away, Darryl and Finn's bows drawn.

And for the first time in his life, he realized that he could truly love him.

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