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The next morning Y/N woke up alone to the smell of pancakes flooding her senses. Y/N got up, pushing the blanket off of her but stopped when she heard something clatter to the ground. On the foot of the bed were her clothes from the last night, washed and folded and on the floor was a toothbrush and some toothpaste.

Y/N made fast work of getting ready, going to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Going back to Steve's room, Y/N threw on her clothes, dropping the ones she borrowed from Steve in his hamper. Quickly checking her hair in the mirror, Y/N slid on her shoes, following the smell of pancakes downstairs to the kitchen. Y/N turned the corner to find Steve standing in front of the stove flipping a pancake, dancing to music only he could hear.

"Good morning," Y/N mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she leaned against the counter next to Steve. He jumped, spinning around to look at her with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Morning," Steve slid the pancake onto the plate next to him, "I couldn't remember if you liked pancakes or not."

Steve passed one of the plates over to Y/N, grabbing the other for himself as he steered her towards the dining room table. There were two glasses of orange juice and cutlery set out already, so Y/N plopped herself down in her old spot next to Steve.

"It's fine, thank you."

They ate in silence, Y/N not having anything to say and Steve not knowing what to say. When they were done they quickly washed the dishes, "I can take you over to your house so you can get your books and change."

"Alrighty then, let's go," Y/N said, moving towards the front door with Steve right behind her.

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"Are you going to be okay?"

Steve let out a deep sigh, leaning back heavily in his seat. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he stared at the school. He looked tired, and Y/N couldn't blame him. From the looks the two of them were getting, people already knew what happened.

"I don't know, I don't even want to see her."

"Well, just go through your day, and whatever happens, happens."

"Whatever happens, happens," Steve repeated, giving himself an encouraging nod, "Thanks, Y/N."

"Don't worry about it," Y/N said, getting out of the car before more people got to the parking lot, "If you need me, you know where to find me."

Y/N didn't wait for a response, walking straight into the school to her locker. She got to her math class early, wanting to finish the last of the homework she didn't finish because of the party while also avoiding the rest of the student body.

During Y/N fourth period spare, was editing her essay when someone dropped heavily into the seat next to her. Y/N jumped son hard her knee hit to bottom of the desk, tipping her pencil case over and spilling her pens across the desk.

"Shit, sorry," Steve said, collecting Y/N pens and stuffing them back into her pencil case, "Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay," Y/N said, looking at Steve's face for the first time. He looked empty, drained of any and all energy, "It didn't go well, did it?"

"I asked her what she remembered, and then when she couldn't remember past spilling punch I told her what she said. And when she claimed she was drunk and didn't remember any of it I asked her if she loved me. She couldn't say it."

"I'm so sorry Steve," Y/N said, shifting her chair closer to him. Steve leaned up against her side, resting his head on top of hers. Y/N left him be, turning back to her essay to get it done. They sat like that until the bell rang, Steve taking comfort in his old friend while Y/N thanked every god that nobody was in the part of the library they were in to see him that weak.

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