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If there was one thing Y/N never wanted to do again, it was to never, ever go in a tunnel for the rest of her life. Getting in and setting the place on fire was the easy part. They made quick work of dousing the place with gasoline, knowing that time was not on their side, but getting out proved more difficult then any of them could have guessed.

They knew the demo-dogs would come for them, but the first one they ran into was Dart. Thankfully he turned out to be harmless once given Three Musketeers and was distracted enough that they were all able to sneak past and get back to the hole. Y/N could see the light from the car streaming in from the hole when the tunnel started to shake, throwing everyone off balance. They knew without a doubt that the demo-dogs were coming for them, and Steve scrambled to lift all of the kids up and out of the hole with Y/N's help.

It was just Steve and Y/N when they felt the tunnel rumbling once more, but this time it was from the demo-dogs running towards them from further in the tunnels. As they turned the corner into their tunnel they had just lifted Dustin out to the surface. The kids were yelling above them, but Y/N could only hear the pounding of her heart as she watched the demo-dogs run right towards her and Steve.

His arms wrapped around her, pulling her into him while his other hand raised up, bat ready to swing, even though it would be useless against so many. Y/N closed her eyes, gripping onto Steve's arm tightly as she waited for the pain. When she didn't feel anything she opened her eyes to watch as the demo-dogs ran past them as if they weren't even there, to something more important then two measly humans.

The two of them stood there, chests heaving as they watched the last of the monsters run past them, growling as they went. As soon as Y/N could no longer hear their chilling snarls she let out a sigh of relief, sagging against Steve, gripping at her shirt in a feeble attempt to calm her erratic heart.

"Are you okay?" Steve murmured, arm tightening around Y/N briefly before slowly letting her go, hand ghosting against Y/N's side, making her shiver. All Y/N could do was nod, but it was enough for Steve, "Let's get out of here."

Steve lifted Y/N up and out of the hole, while the kids pulled her up from the surface by her arms. Once out they quickly turned to help Steve, eager to get back to the house and away from the demo-dogs and the hell hole. With everyone safe they all went to pile up in the car, Steve driving and Y/N in the passenger seat while the kids all crammed in the back. Max wasn't happy with the arrangement but didn't push her luck, instead claiming a window seat.

The drive was silent, but none of them seemed to mind. Y/N looked to the back seat to find Lucas and Mike fast asleep, slouched against each other in the middle. As she was turning to face forward she caught Steve's eye. He was giving her a look she couldn't quite recognize, but did notice the concern in his eyes.

Y/N gave him a smile, reaching over to take Steve's hand that was resting on the gear shift. Steve smiled back, turning his hand over to hold her hand properly before focusing back on the road. Y/N felt her stomach flip, and hid her giddy smile by looking out the passenger window, pressing her face against the cold glass to help her blush go away.

With the soft breathing of everyone in the car, Y/N allowed herself to fully relax, eyes sliding closed as she slumped down in her seat.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"C'mon Y/N, I don't wanna take the kid alone, you know how he gets, you seem to be the only one he doesn't mouth off to."

Y/N sighed, flopping back on her bed with the phone pressed up to her ear, "I've got work to do Steve. And Dustin mouths off to everyone, including me."

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