Chapter 17

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Green eyed monsters' part 1

It was official or rather it has been official for the past week now and the change in the culture and environment of school has shifted. To my dismay A LOT of girls still pine for my boyfriend while on the other hand my popularity status has dramatically increased.

Such as Wakatoshi, being now demoted from his reign and me, the pervert that seems to be unable to keep my hands off him is being pined for by both sexes.

Don't get me wrong its nice and all but currently I'm dealing with a dilemma, boys just won't stop confessing to me.

I sigh in the embrace of Wakatoshi, his big fat juicy arms are coiled around my waist while I lean back into his godly defined body. I hum out in relief as we both rummage through todays findings. Just some love letters, chocolates, and even a teddy bear, I hear the grumbling and muttering of Wakatoshi whenever he sees the love letters especially if they are from a boy.

We're currently outside of the back building which has been our safe spot for the past week now not only that, but his teammates tease him to no end. I don't really help the situation when all I try to do is grope his peachy ass, damn by daddy is not flat whatsoever.

He shifts and moves so he can sniff me better, I guess hopefully, there's one thing that I've learnt from being with him 24/7 is that he's a closet pervert. He's not scared of showing PDA or touching me out in public, to him it's like stating his claim. I would say something about it but the ungodly sinful rewards that I get send me to hell and back, he seriously fucks me over.

As I begin reading the letters cos, I'm no spiteful hoe I might be a salty bitch, but I cherish the words that they try to convey their love for me. A soft wet thing makes its way onto my skin. I shiver away but the hot wet breaths that come with it remind me of something more, I hum in delight as I continue reading. His grip tightens on me as his lips now engulf and chow down onto my delicious lust worthy (S/c) skin.

"Waka~ah~toshi, I need to concentrate." I moan out trying to suppress the giggle of him being jealous over something so minor. His grip on me tenfold's and now he engulfs me fully into his embrace as if I were a pearl and him the clam, his suffocating grip causes me to heat up inside.

Forgetting the letter all together I look up at him to only have his lips crash land onto mine, he's hungry and so am I, we both scrap it out for dominance, soon learning that it's pointless. Wakatoshi has a dominance kink and I LOVE it; this whole scenario is setting me off It's a shame to be saved by the bell.

We part away only leaving a trail of saliva, both of our juices dribble down in the small gap between us, he gives me one last squeeze before getting up and pulling me a long with him. We bin the letters and wrappers and head back into class.

After my steamy meal at lunch, I bound towards P.E class fully revived and recharged for the rest of the day. we're doing some running today oh what joy, that's what I want to do for the day, get drenched in sweat and be practically exhausted by the end of lesson, if only Wakatoshi was here he would be make it so much more enjoyable.

Ushijima pov (right I'm about to fail at trying to be his pov so don't hate as much, wahh just try and enjoy it)



They both plague me now, it just used to be volleyball, I would wake up thinking about volleyball, anticipate it, yearn for it, dream about it. But now she plagues my every being. I yearn for her, her touch, her smell, her hot breath.

That kiss during lunch wasn't enough.

I need more.

I want more.

That pervy manager - Ushijima x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now