Limbos and questionable ways of getting tickets

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This is your dress^^and it (y/n)'s POV

"Thank you." (Y/n) uttered, taking the drivers hand and carefully pinching her ivory dress, as she stepped out of the Limo. It had been Monika's idea but now she felt like they put too much thought into it, she watched as Hero's stepped out of Limbos and turned her head away embarrassed. It's always go big or go home, she sighed to herself turning to her companion who was now being helped out of the car.

Monika was a dark-skinned, 5'5, Lesbian beauty, and luckily (y/n)'s best friend. She was as sassy as she was gorgeous and never took no for an answer. The two of them together were unstoppable, both being gorgeous and driven girls They had dated for years before both decided it was best to stay friends, they unfortunately had a personality too alike. They both flirted with everyone.

(Y/n) shook her head, clearing her mind. I would much rather have her as my best friend. She thought smiling to Monika, her dark hair in a high pony tail still puffed around her like a peacock with its feathers. Her dark purple dress complimenting her curves and skin tone perfectly. In (y/n)'s eyes she was a goddess but she would never admit it.

"You ready?" She heard Monika say as she walked around the car to stand next to (y/n) who was now looking at the huge mansion in front of her. If she didn't know any better she could have mistaken it for the White House. It's grand entrance and stairs lit up by hundreds of lights. Couples of hero's, healers and others, linking arms and walking into the huge house. She could faintly hear music and laughter coming from inside, as she took a deep breath and turned to Monika smiling. "Ready."

Monika smiled back, slithering her arm through (y/n)'s as they started to walk up the stairs together, earnings stares from others. (Y/n) would never brag, but she knew she was a pretty girl. She had (h/c) hair that reached her back and large (e/c) eyes the sparked in the right lighting. She knew she was a tall, skinnier girl with a nice *ahem* behind. Of course she still had insecurities, everyone does. But she worked over them and made herself a more confident, outgoing person. She smiled at the thought, she was proud of herself for it.

The two were now nearing the entrance, which was almost hard to look at, because it was so bright. Both girls went into their purses pulling out two items, small masquerade masks and their tickets. (Y/n) tied up her fairy-wren mask, slightly fidgeting with its soft feathers and small beak. It was Monika's suggestion, the second (Y/n) put it on, she freaked out saying it made her eyes pop. (Y/n) trusted her; but she had never heard of a fairy-wren before she bought the mask. Apparently it was a small cute bird that often nests in peoples backyards

She looked at Monika who now had her purple butterfly mask on the match her dress, she smiled back. "Got your ticket?" (Y/n) asked giddy, she had been so excited to go and now that they were in front of the party she couldn't wait to get inside. Monika smirked back "how could I forget my precious ticket I worked so hard to get."

When Monika heard about the masquerade ball endeavor was throwing, she knew she had to get them in. See, the two girls are not Hero's, they're healers. Neither professional yet, due to neither of them being that known. She saw the party as a perfect excuse to meet new people and look for work. So she went away flirting with every person who could get us tickets until one of the event planners cracked. Both girls were so excited they, almost immediately went to go get their dresses. And here they are now, handing their tickets in and getting their bags checked.

(Y/n) held her breath as her and Monika entered the the building. They walked through the doors onto an entrance balcony that over looked the huge ballroom. The ballroom itself was graceful and bright, it was made of white marble and quartz, being decorated with gold chandeliers, tables and chairs. Along with hints of red velvet curtains here and there.

(Y/n) looked over a sea of colorful people, masks glittering in the evening light. She released the breath she was holding. This is where I should be. She thought to herself softly smiling, before turning to Monika who was looking at her. "You know what to do." She said grinning. "Met as many people as you can, be charming, be sweet, be someone they like, someone they trust." (Y/n) grinned and nodded back knowing exactly what to do. "Got it."

The two girls linked arms, pulled their chins up and strutted down the stairs into the ballroom. (Y/n) glanced around wildly; trying to catch anyone and everyone's eyes, it was a good convo starter. Of course as the two beauty's walked down, many eyes stuck to them. (Y/n) met eyes with old men, young men, cute girls, waiters, waitress, hero's, healers, anyone who would glance her way. She felt herself smile softly, tonight's going to be a piece of cake.

Then for the first time she felt herself almost stop moving entirely. She met a pair of golden brown eyes, almost the color of honey that trapped her in their gaze. She felt herself go stiff as she got sucked into the gorgeous eyes, earning a tug from Monika. But (Y/n) didn't notice, she was too wrapped up in the the color of the eyes she bored into. In the moment, all she could see was warm brown and gold.

"(Y/n)!" Monika said, snapping (Y/n) out of her trance. (Y/n) turned to her dazed, "what?" Monika frowned at her response "are you ok? You went stiff and slowed down." (Y/n) shook her head smiling "it's nothing I just dazed off. Let's keep going." She gave her best I'm fine smile, which Monika shrugged off and turned back to the crowd.

(Y/n) turned back to the crowd as well, searching for those eyes again, only to find them gone.


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