PART 1:Introduction

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Hi i am rosie.and now i am going to tell you my story.are you ready for it?then lets start with the day that changed my life.

About 2 years ago my life was ordenary.I was just a normal hıgh school student.Even i wasnt popular or known in my school or my area.I had a few friends but i was happy about it. There are 7 people in the world that I can do anything for them.and they are:ilkim,Zeynep,ceren,daria,ırmak,irem and doğa.

we laugh together, we cry together, we fall together, we do stupid things together, in short, we do everything together

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we laugh together, we cry together, we fall together, we do stupid things together, in short, we do everything together.

Girls were talking when i came to class. CEREN:hey my girl!

M:ah hey.what are you guys talking about?(A little silence)

İLKİM:ah girl,don't act like we are stupit.we know you like İAN.

ZEYNEP:yes,when you came to class, first person you checked was him. ME:no i didn't check him.

DARİA:ah yes you did!( ian approaches us.)

ZEYNEP:Girls smile and act normal ok?(Girls say hi while had a smile.) İAN :hi girls.

İLKİM:hi ian but we were about to go, so byee.( the girls walked away.) İAN:ok.

(They left me and ian alone.But they were staring us from the corner.) İAN:oh damla(my first name). i came here to ask something.

Me:Oh sure.What do you want?(while surprise) (class bell rings)

İAN:Can i sit next to you for next class?I have something to tell you. ME:OK ,sure.

Our math teacher comes and he starts the class. Ian gave me a note while the lesson was going on.Note says "i like you".I was shocked .I just made a shy face and I threw my hair behind my ear.then he gave me another note.this was said" Would you like to date with me?"i thought about the answer i would gave.and in the break,i said yes.but I would think twice if it were me now. You will find out why later.

i had a great pations for dancing and singing. ian and i are going to the same dance class and additional note; he is my partner.we know each other for 2 years.yes I liked him once. we were having good time together.

he took my hand after class and took me to his friends. Unfortunately, I hated his friends as much as I liked him.

This is suzy .she loves make fun of people.she is annoying and stupit thats why all guys use her but she doesnt know about that.

MY STORY:HOW I TURNED TO AN IDOLWhere stories live. Discover now