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2. DAY
İ woke up and went to the kitchen to have breakfast with the girls.Lucy was preparing our breakfast down below.

Lucy was preparing our breakfast down below

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i went to help them.after around 30 minutes later everyone was awake.we were started to make breakfast.then girls started to talk about last night.
LYNNE:oh rosie*(i said hm?)we didnt ask you last night,(i said "what" while eating)how was you hot kiss science with most popular boy band's member jungkook ?(she didnt look at me ,just acted normaly.she was still busy with eating.then i puked the wather in my mouth)
ME:what are you saying?i was going to die!(in the end,i lost my seriousness and started to laughing)
LYNNE:it was just a joke!(she was still laughing.)
U:just ignore what she said.we have not much time so hurry up!(we said ok.after 5 minutes a message notification came to my was from jungkook.)
JUNGKOOK:you forgot your bag last night. i will leave the house in 1 hour.whould you want me to pick you up?
MELi respond him)it would be great! JUNGKOOK:so hurry up.(i said ok)
ME:ah..guys (they said huh?)i am going to go to company a little early.
LYNNE:what?will your cutie"jungkookie"going to pick you up?(they laughed)
(their faces becomed serious,they just said this to make a joke ,they didnt expect that could be real.they started to stand and move to me to ask questions.)
ME:i am going to prepare and will leave in 1 hour !
(while running to my room cuz they were started to asking too many questions.)

After i changed my clothes.i prepared a bag.i filled with snacks ,extra clothes and make up staffs.then jungkook called me and said"i am waiting for you outside."i said"i will be there in a minutee!".i took my bag and went out the door.i saw him waiting outside in the car.he shook his hand when he saw me.i got in his car. JUNGKOOK:good morning sunshine!
ME:good morning kookie.(after i said this ,i realised that it wasnt his was a habit came from my fangirling.he surprised then started to laught)

JUNGKOOK:did you just called me kookie?(while laughing so hard)ME:it wasnt on perpose,i swear!just forget that ok?JUNGKOOK:ahh

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JUNGKOOK:did you just called me kookie?(while laughing so hard)
ME:it wasnt on perpose,i swear!just forget that ok?,no it was cute.(started to smirking)
JUNGKOOK:i am just unaccustomed to this,thats why... ME:doesnt metter...
JUNGKOOK: i dont want to forget,either.(he looked played a prank on me)
ME:lets just go .(my cheaks turned red.)
Around 15 minutes,we were outside of the company.there were cameramans everywhere,AGAİN.we looked to each other to figüred it out how we will get trough.
JUNGKOOK:just fallow me and dont talk ok?(i noded my head)ok?..lets go.
We got out of the car and started to move fast towards the we got ahaed,the cameramans were moving towards us.they were too much.they had turned around us.jungkook and i had a little distant between us.but i couldnt move.the cameramans was asking about our program.i tryed to call jungkook in that crowd.i yelled his name a few times.finally he was heared my call and turn to me to picked me up.
JUNGKOOK:dont worry we are going now.(then he took my hend and lead me to the company.

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