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we all took our places. I was happy to match with rosie.
SUGA:sorry,director but;isnt it kinda unfear?2 maknae's match together.

İRECTOR:we made a was up to them to have 2 maknae together.anyway today you will get to know each other and talk about the music which you will dance with.
JHOPE:what should we do know?
DİRECTOR:you will be together with your partner for whole day to gotta know each other.just do what you do as usual,but with your parner. JİN:ok.
MELthen an idea came up to my mind)hey rosie, If you want, we can go to the gym first.where i usually go.
(She hasitaded first )ROSİE:ok ,but we should change our outfits.(i said sure)
First we drove to Rosie's dorm and bought the necessary clothes, then we stopped by my dorm and bought my own belongings. Then we set off towards the gym.but a few cameras are still recording us.then we arrived the gym.
ROSİE:ok jungkook.what we will going to do today? ME: today we will work with a coach.
Then our choach came in and started to done us some work outs.they separate us cuz i was more advanced in level.but i saw her couldnt do a move correctly.then i went to help her.
ROSİELwhen she saw i getting close)ahh jungkook,i cant do the exercise .I couldn't figure it out.
ME:I came to help you.(she was doing standing lateral raise.but her waist was leaning forward and lifting very fast. ) I grabbed her by the waist and put her in the right position, then I told her to open and close his arms more slowly. Seh looked ashamed, her face was red again.she was look so adoroble.
İ was in ashame.he sized me upon my belly.his hend was soft and cold.kinda tickle me .
ME:am i do it right?

he cuddle me and take a step back to check that i was doing it right.)JUNGKOOK:yes, good. Finish your work then call me .
(i said ok.he turned back his work.10 minutes later my work was finished .i go up to jungkook.)
ME:i am done.what will we do now?
His work wasnt done so he said me JUNGKOOK:wait me in the fitting room.i will be there in a minute.(i said ok but, Before I left, his body strike my eye. He was doing a movement called "let pull down neck"

I saw him looking at me from the mirror in front of him

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.I saw him looking at me from the mirror in front of him. When i realized that he was looking at me, he laughed and got shy.
JUNGKOOKLhe stopped to do and fetch a sigh.)lets go.
When we were in the fitting room cameras were off .after we change , we were ready to move to another place. And cameramans turn on the cameras again.
ME:where is the next place we are going to go? JUNGKOOK:I planned this as a surprise.
ME: at least you can give a tip.come on.!, JUNGKOOK:fine.(he made a bunny smile)this place is out of a building.
ME: There are a lot of places out there.! JUNGKOOK: If you couldn't guess, you will find out when we get there.
all together we went to the car. then we were asking some questions to get to know each other.we went our target so was a fun fair. We got out of the car and the director who we came with ,told us that there was a change.

 We got out of the car and the director who we came with ,told us that there was a change

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