A long carriage ride pt.1

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The carriage bumped over another ridge, and Fabian's teeth knocked together. He startled, sitting upright in his seat at last. This was going to be a long ride.

"So, whereabouts do you live outside of court?" The young man sitting diagonally to him had been attempting conversation for the last hour or so, to no avail. He wasn't in the mood to talk. He was hardly in the mood to stay awake, to be quite honest, but that ruddy carriage showed no signs of allowing him that luxury. They went over another bump.

Through the window, the familiar greenery of the border territory passed by, and he gestured to the hillside.

"Actually, I mostly stay just over there." One of his parent's estates came into view, a small manor surrounded by green bushes and acres of garden. Fabian's carriage-share leaned across to his side, peering out of the glass.

"It's beautiful." He said, matter-of-factly. "Very... modern. I can imagine leading a simple life there." He chuckled slightly at the compliments.

"I've never heard anyone call it that! Modern, well..." The manor was renovated around 20 years ago, to be fair, so he supposed it must have some contemporary flair to it. His earliest memories were of that first summer after the building was finished; coming to stay as a family in that isolated house for the entire season. Since then, his mother and Father had never taken that much time away from work or the city, not even when his brother and sister were born eight years ago.

"Well, I mean it! It's a great mix of modern simplicity and old fashioned values of simple living!" His smile was broad and exited, as he sat back into his white leather seat, leaning ever so slightly backwards.

"So what you're saying is... it's simple." He raised an eyebrow at the boy and laughed as he opened his mouth to amend his supposed blunder. "Ha! Don't worry, I already know that. Certainly, the architecture is nothing to behold, but the gardens are the finest you'll come across for miles." Even from this distance, his heart ached at the sight of the idyllic landscape surrounding his childhood home.

"Ah, well. I am a fan of good land." Fabian took his eyes off the countryside and looked at his partner. He wore a thick woolen jumper that covered his neck and hands, too, dyed a dusky pink.

"And whereabouts do you normally live..." What was his name again? Ah, yes. "...Lord Yusup? Around here?" Yusup seemed almost offended, at the use of his title, Fabian assumed.

"Oh, please, let's not bother with titles, unless you insist? We'll be in here for hours yet, Blitheste." He supposed he was right, they might as well save their breath. Fabian almost corrected him in calling him by his family name, but realised that may be a little too informal, even for him. It's always best to evaluate a person first.

"Well, I actually spend most of my time in Pritasan." He furrowed his brow,

"Pritasan? I thought you liked land?" The busy capital city certainly had little space for ownership of land; the only green space was reserved for the public and used constantly for events and such.

"I do, but you can't always get everything you want in one place, and in the end, the city has so much for me. It's always good to be close to the palace, is it not? Knowing the king resides nearby, it really gives the feeling of security, you know? Not to mention, it just feels safer."

"You admire the king greatly, I see." Even though the Lord was a lesser noble. Odd, considering the hatred many would harbour at being placed so low in the nobility hierarchy. 

"Indeed! He's a great man, truly. I am proud to be one of his citizens!" Well, someone was very zealous... but, he was a great man, that much was correct. Fabian felt a burst of pride in his chest.

They approached a dark forest, dense and gloomy, in sheer contrast to the bright, hilly countryside they just seconds ago were riding through. As they neared the foliage, Fabian watched as his childhood home disappeared behind the trees.

Beside him, Yusup stood up to reach the lantern that hung from a silver chain on the ceiling. It rattled as he opened the hatch and lit the bright candle inside, burning himself as the flame exploded into violent life. Muttering a curse, he shook his hand and pressed it against the cool glass.

"Why can't they change these out for self-lighters?" He hissed. "I understand the history, but they hardly look any different!" Fabian merely looked up at the irate man, and sighed. The new self-lighting lanterns were far too dangerous to be placed in a confined space with up to four people around it, but he didn't mention that.

With no scenery to gaze at, he suppose it was his turn to make conversation.

"So, what do you tend to do in your free time, Yusup?" He looked excited to finally not be the one starting the conversation.

"Well, I am actually quite a fan of hunting, myself." 

"But you live in Pritasan? There can't be much hunting there." Yusup stutterd for a second.

"I'm... not so much a fan of the hunt as I am of the... reward. The animals themselves."

"Ah, so you're a collector?" He cringed.

"Gods, no! I don't collect the heads, or bones. It's actually the..." His cheeks turned gradually scarlet, "the clothes that I enjoy. Turning their skin into another skin, if you like. Preserving beauty." Pausing, he looked shamefully at Fabian, much like an embarrassed puppy. "I've been told it's girlish." Ah.

"No, not at all! The art of textiles and tailoring is something no one should shy away from. So much more than pure vanity or girlishness is held in clothing. It's truly something to behold." The words were effortless and practically fell out of his mouth. He wasn't not making anything up - all the words were his own opinion, but nevertheless he knew how to get Yusup onto his side. Still, the boy's face lit up at the words.

"You like it too, Blitheste?" The innocent hope in his eyes reminded him of a young child. So why lie?

"Oh, no. I don't enjoy the process, if that's what you mean. Only the finished product, but I've seen the work that goes into creating art like that, and it isn't easy." Yusup took a breath, as if to interrupt. "Oh, and please do call me Fabian. You could be talking to anyone on my Mother's side with that name, unless we use titles, which we agreed are not called for here." He decided in that moment that there was no point in manipulating his way around their team of ambassadors. They were going to Varalia for a long time, anyway, and he could use some more friends.
"Um, certainly... Fabian. In that case, please do call me Gregory. Or George, that's what my family goes by." He must've look shocked, because Yusup stuttered once more, "n-not that I consider you family, of course, it's just a nickname that's easier to say, and-" Suddenly, he was cut off by an abrupt lurch in the carriage's sway, and they both fell forwards.

"What the hell is going on?" Fabian leapt out of the small door, only to see the entire vehicle leaning to the side, one wheel in pieces on the ground. The six carriages around theirs ground to a halt.

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