A long carriage ride pt.3

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After a fitful nap on the seat of the carriage, Fabian was grateful as they approached the city at last. The sun just barely peeped over the horizon, and Grayup was now awake.

"So, that's Heqetri." The younger man said, looking over his shoulder to the city in the distance, just awakening from its slumber- like them.

"Indeed." Grayup muttered, "that's the Varalian's lair."

"Come now, they are to be our allies if all goes well." It felt odd to say, as though he were a toddler disciplining a parent, telling him to remember their mission.

"I suppose having an ally is better then having an enemy, but that doesn't mean I have to like them." Fabian understood roughly what he meant, but didn't press for more details as they trundled on. The landscape was similar to that of Laurus, with mountains to the north and some forests to the south. But, the forests were sparser, and didn't cover the entire landscape. Plus, the mountains were a weak, sickly green. They met with the clouds and appeared to merge into a light grey soup. And yet somehow, the stone city was marvelous in the morning light. It mottled into the landscape perfectly, yet had a feeling of grandeur and history that stood out like a cat amongst wolves. Suddenly, they felt the dirt road turn into cobble, and knew they were almost there.

"I've got to say, that place looks rather... grey-t." Grayup smiled proudly at his pun.

"Oh, gods! Grayup that doesn't even work, please!"
"You won't work if you keep up with that cheek, young man!"

"Right, of course, father." Grayup laughed heartily, and leaned over to slap Fabian's shoulder. At least he hadn't lost all his spirits.

On the way, they combed their hair and prepared themselves as best they could with such little standing room. Fabian sprayed some scent over himself, and pressed powder to his face, with white pencil around the eyes. After straightening some buttons, he found that he was ready for anything. Sure, his shoes needed shining, and he was less than comfortable in those tight trousers, but... he'd manage. They drew the net curtains as the streets began to fill with people, staring into their carriage for a glimpse of the foreign nobles. One young child sat upon their mother's shoulders, pointing at the procession with a great smile upon their face. Fabian smiled too, and almost waved to them, forgetting that the net made them invisible to the public - but then he looked down.

Just below the child, their mother smiled too, and her grin... he shivered. She had fangs.

They peeked out beneath her smile, and shone in the morning light, glistening as though poised and ready to strike.

He hated it. He hated it. Like a snake's jaw, or a bull's horns : teeth like that were that of a predator. He tried to calm himself as they rattled through the city, making their way slowly to the castle on the mountain overlooking that place. Overlooking the city.

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