~part one

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*Alina's POV*
does your life ever feel repetitive? like nothing ever changes? like nobody can hear you?even when you scream out loud? i know the feeling. i'm Alina, and i recently applied to drop out of school and im staying with Daliah, my oldest sister just until i can save up to get a shitty little place someone in the surrounding suburbs to her. she's never left my side, not once. my parents kicked me out since i dropped out, im nothing but a failure to them. my fathers exact words were "Do what you want with your life, not like anyone would expect you to actually accomplish anything, Just get out." he's always said that shit to me but what has always hurt me the most was how my mom never even tried to stick up for me. guess im just not worth sticking up for. Anyways, ive been working at the same place for about four years, its a small and boring bookshop in the city. but i work there with my closest friend, Frank. he joined a year before i did and showed me how everything is, we absolutely hated eachother at first but he now makes even the most pointless and boring shit fun. god that boy is gonna get us both fired with his stupid mouth. i cant wait to see him tomorrow. shit has really been getting to me recently.

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