Lev ( Give me your height)

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Height was something important to (y/n). He wasn't short But he really wanted to be taller. After all he made A lot of jokes about his side of the family being short And well he didn't want the tables to turn. So he tried to wear shoes that would make him look "taller"
And stuff like that. Recently he had bumped into a really tall guy
Which he thought for sure would Comment about his height but didn't... which made (y/n) A lot more happier that day.

A weeks later and ever since then he felt a bit strange Like someone was watching him. Today at lunch (y/n) caught someone staring at him. It was the same tall dude from earlier in the week. Now that he thinks about it he's been seen that strange guy everywhere but thankfully not when he was walking home. A normal person would think " I should find out what's up" but     (y/n) Was too nervous to do that. So his solution was to sit somewhere else at lunch he really didn't have any friends So it wasn't a big problem. Which lucky for (y/n) Worked. After a few days Past he Found a note in his locker
I had a phone number on it. As curious as (y/n) Was he decided to Send a text.

Hello this is (y/n) I had this note in my locker That had this phone       
                                    number on it

            Were you the one who put          
                                               it there

I am so sorry!!!!
My friends are idiots and I guess they put it there

                      Oh I see I'm sorry for        
                                 disturbing you

Hey! Since you're here and All..
Would you like to maybe hang out sometime

               Sure I wouldn't mind that

After that you basically talked the whole night While learning more about each other and Decided hang out after school tomorrow.

Tomorrow has arrived and to be honest  he was a little nervous
But (y/n) sucked it up and went on with it. Everything went like normal except He didn't eat alone. Lev Was there. It felt nice but also he felt something odd in his stomach like "butterflies". After lunch ended lev and (y/n) Went there separate ways. (Y/n) Noticed something strange he started randomly think about lev And his lovely smile He even wrote his name down a few times. It was weird to say the least and frankly (y/n) thought he was being a creep so he tried to stop but just couldn't.

Somehow time flew by And he magically appeared right next to the gym doors. He sat down for a bit until the doors flew open To reveal a black haired male that had a strong built.

The male looked down at him And gave him a cheeky smile " sooo Waiting for your boyfriend You know you could've came in and watched him play" He said in a teasing Tone
(Y/n) Quickly shook his head and try to explain himself
"I'm just waiting for a friend that's all..." Something in him made him a bit sad when he said that. The black haired male I was about to say something but got cut off by lev. "Hey I'm sorry for the wait I hope kuroo wasn't bothering you too much" lev Said with a hint of jealousy in his voice. The man name kuroo Hit the tell male back "Don't let me leave with a bad impression on him" Kuroo said with a chuckle. Lev Grabs (y/n) hand "Let's ignore him and let's go do something fun" He said with a smile. God you love that smile.
After a little bit of walking lev brought you to a little park. " I know it's not much but it has a nice view of the Sky OH And I brought snacks!!" Lev Said as he starts to pull up different types of snacks.

"That's quite a bit of snacks" (y/n) Said as he set in the grass with lev. "Well I wasn't sure if you were allergic to anything so I bought a variety of stuff AND I brought your favorite snack!" Lev Said an excitement. (Y/n) Face got red " o-oh I'm surprised you remembered" lev Nodded. " Of course I would I really like you a lot" lev Quickly Realize what he said and covered his mouth in embarrassment And he started to stand up.

"R-Really" He said looking at lev Shocked. "That's how you got my phone number my teammates know That and...Put the sticky note in there.." lev Said I'm looking away as his face got brighter and brighter of red. (Y/n) Stood up and got close to lev. He gathered all of his confidence and Tried to kiss him but he was a tad too short. "Give me your height!"
(Y/n) Said as he puffed out his cheeks. Lev Instantly Got an idea
He picked up (y/n) and let him Wrapped his legs around lev waist Letting (y/n) Have the chance to kiss him. The kiss was blissful but due to the lack of oxygen pulled away but lev Didn't let go of (h/c) Hair boy. Instead walked him home like that....

Needless to say it was a fun night for the Both of them.

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