Kenma ( unexpected)

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" hey that's not fair!" Bokuto
Puffed his cheeks out
" it's totally fair you move your feet lose your seat" (y/n) said sticking his tongue out.
" but you're taking up two of them!! It's no fair" Bokuto said clearly annoyed At the boy that was laying down on two chairs.

Bokuto and (y/n) we're currently at a training camp although (y/n) wasn't there to train he was there for a part-time job. And it's so happened that His friend Bokuto happened to be there. if it wasn't quite obvious the other players were getting quite annoyed about how loud they were being. It's not good to have two obnoxious idiots in one room while Bokuto try to deny it (y/n) Took pride in it and even praised himself for it.
" i'll give you the seat if you go fetch me a snack" The (h/c) haired boy said with a big smirk on his face
" do I look like some dog to you?"
Bokuto said dramatically as he placed a hand on his hip
" no but you sure do act like one"
(Y/n) finally sat up while stretching his arms
" Hey! Bokuto! want to do one more game!" One of his teammates called and Bokuto quickly said goodbye while running over to them.

(Y/n) Picked up the two chairs he was using and put them back in the storage room. He decided to finish up his duties then head to bed. His boss I don't mind him sleeping in one of the extra rooms
Because he knew (y/n) house was pretty far away. The (h/c) haired boy hopped in bed got comfortable. In a snap he was fast asleep.

The boy woke up drowsy and almost forgot to change his pajamas. He yawned while going to the cafeteria he wanted to see what his tasks were for the day and if any extra stuff needed to be done. The sun was just rising as he was greeted with one of his female coworkers
" hello (y/n)-kun can you wake up the boys for me" she said with a smile
" sure with the bell or with the pots and pans"
His female coworker thought about it for a bit before she answered
" just the bell they're not that bad"
She giggled as she headed off to do her task. (Y/n) quickly nodded and grab the bell off the counter while shaking it viciously all the way down the hall.

" get your asses up!! First come first serve!!" He yelled as he heard a bunch of groans and sigh.
" well aren't you a ball of energy"
A muscular man with Black hair
Stood in front of him
" nope just doing my job sir! Just trying to get paid" (y/n) said as he playfully lifted his hand on his forehead saluting him.
" you sure chibi-chan not even Bokuto has this much energy in the morning" The man said with a grin. (Y/n) puffed out his cheeks
" Chibi-chan!? Is that how you treat your superiors " he playfully gasp
"Superior?" The man in front of him said as he had a smug face.
(Y/n) was about to give him a good playful punch but then he heard another voice

" kuroo Cut it out" said a small tired voice.
(Y/n) turned around to be greeted with A boy with cat like eyes. The boy had a soft sense to him that really stuck out to (y/n).
" aww come on kenma I was just teasing" The man named Kuroo said with a chuckle. The pudding haired boy just shook his head in response.
" look there's not gonna be very much food left if you keep standing there" (y/n) said as he took his cue to leave.

After (y/n) was done waking everyone up he walked back to the cafeteria to return the bell he had used to wake the volleyball player.
Once he was in the cafeteria he tried to find Bokuto. Not that he was hard to find with his haircut and loud personality you can spot them anywhere. But somehow
(y/n) can find him. He either finished early or he still hasn't woken up.
Either way he don't wanna bother him too much after all he was here for training.

(Y/n) didn't see him for the rest of the day. It kind of bummed him out but he still had a job to do and tonight was his turn to finish up the last minute cleaning.
He grabbed the mop and the bucket and started his task.
It was very quiet but not the scary kind of quiet it like a comforting quiet. He may have a loud personality but he still joy the quiet things in life.
An hour or so goes by and he hears a creek of a door opening.
(Y/n) put his guard up while holding the mop to his chest. He slowly turned around to be...

Extremely relieved. it's the cat like boy again
"O-Oh you scared me... what are you doing up" (y/n) said as his shoulders relaxed while giving a soft smile.
" oh sorry to disturb you... I just didn't want to disturb the others with Nintendo switch screen..." kenma said in a tired voice but yet soft it rain chills down (y/n) spine
" that's fine you can stay in here if you want i'm just wrapping up here" the (h/c) haired boy said smiling happy to have some company. Kenma nodded and took a seat at one of the benches.
" hey um what game are you playing" (y/n) said out of curiosity
" animal crossing" kenma said plainly. He paying all his attention on the game
" I heard that was a good game"
He said awkwardly as he tried to keep a conversation
" can I watch you play?" Kenma just Nodded and (y/n) Took his cue to sit right next to him.
" i'm surprise you're not being really loud" kenma said in a soft tone.
" oh yeah I do perceive myself as loud and noxious person"
(y/n) said as he yawned
" but believe it or not I like it better when I'm quiet.. I just don't do it often" he said looking over at kenma. The pudding hair boy looks surprised
" that's...interesting.. I would've never thought" Kenma put his switch down and turned his attention towards (y/n)

after a couple conversations they exchange numbers and plan to meet up again Needless say it was the best part time job (y/n) had...

(((. I'm really sorry for that awkward ending I'll try better anyway
Thank you for requesting!!!!

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