Tanaka (sfw alphabet)

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A lot
This man will just pick you up for no reason. He wants to show how much you mean to him so expect a lot of love and appreciation

(Best friend)
He would be the best of best friends. Tanaka His short friend and you would be the best trio. Either getting into trouble or getting out of trouble you guys are stuck together like glue. He probably knows your whole family aunt uncle you name it. He has a bunch of clothes just stuck by your house
Because how often he sleeps over.

Tanaka loves to be big spoon
He feels more safer that way
he's afraid if he lets go you'll just disappear and that's one of his biggest fears. He'll draw circles into your back or play with your hair he finds it relaxing

Hell yeah he'll settle down with you.
he's a great cook but not such a great cleaner but he tries his best.
You too probably split it half-and-half or switch over every so often
For house work

If you ever tried "ending things"
He'll respect your decision and will ask if he can still be friends So he doesn't want to completely lose you.
Tanaka Will definitely feel a lot lonelier without you. Two big things like sleeping alone two little things like A keychain you gave him. He will slowly try to get over you but you were always in the back of his head.

He definitely be down for that type of commitment with you.
Tanaka will do everything in his power to make it a perfect day.
Anything you could possibly wanted he'll get it nothing is stopping this man.

Tanaka tries to be very gentle with you emotionally and physically.
He doesn't treat you like a glass doll cause he knows you're a bad ass by yourself but he definitely doesn't want to be rough it's just not his style.

Tanaka hugs you very tight and will possibly Pick You up.
He absolutely loves hugging you
so expect hugs pretty often.
no matter night or day he's always up for one.

(I love you)
He says the L word pretty fast
Tanaka knows what his emotions are and won't try to confuse them for something else. He loves you and that won't change

He gets jealous pretty easily.
Especially the guy with the tongue piercing. If he so much as looks at you in a certain way he'll go into protective mode. Tanaka will glare at the guy constantly and will have his hand somewhere touching you like your shoulders hands or hip.
And if another guys so much as flirts with you he will have no mercy

Tanaka kisses are usually soft and slow making the moment last longer. He likes to kiss your ears and cheeks it makes you flustered and he absolutely loves seeing your face go red. As for him
He likes to be kissed on his back
Or Head he finds it soothing and comforting.

(Little ones)
Tanaka would love to have children of his own. He can imagine all the fun activities they would do together and birthday parties he would throw. He likes the idea of being a cool father and Will try the best he can to be that.
He doesn't care about gender of his kid he still will protect them no matter what and that's a promise.

It's really peaceful in the morning
But he's a pain to try to wake up
Tanaka will keep saying five more minutes and then it turns into two hours he'll do anything just for you to stay in bed with him. Tanaka's voice gets a lot more scratchy in the morning but at the same time soft
he'll probably nuzzle your neck and giving you soft kisses while gives you one tight hug and he'll try to go back to sleep

After practice he's pretty tired out so most of the time spent is just relaxing. Tanaka is most likely to lay his head in your lap during this time. He'll grab your hand and hold it possibly draws circles with his fingers on the back of it

( open)
Tanaka open with his little problems but not the big ones.
He doesn't want to bother you with them and thinks it's really uncool and will try to solve them himself. But if he can't solve them he'll start to get frustrated.
One time he got so frustrated he accidentally punched a hole in the wall when you were gone
{*"don't tell Amy*"}
and quickly try to patch it up. Which he did pretty well but still felt terrible so he try to make it up to you the best he could and eventually told you what made him so frustrated.

Tanaka is not easily angered when it comes to you he's really patience and tries to understand.
He cares about you so he'll give you all the time you need for whatever reason.

( quiz)
50-50 chance he doesn't remember every single detail about you but oh boy he tries.
He knows all the basics but he often forgets the small details.

Tanaka has a lot of favorite moments in your relationship
But his favorite moment was your first year anniversary.
The whole day was going wrong for him even the date he had perfectly planned
He felt so frustrated but when you talked about the bright side he realize that it wasn't that bad and made the most of the rest of the day he appreciated the fact that you cared about him even at his lowest.

This man will protect you hell and back rather it be bullies at school or the creepy cash register guy he'll always be there.
He knows you can hold your own but he feels more safer when you're with him.

dates he puts effort in it but not too much he likes to make dates relaxing as for anniversaries you'll put a lot of effort into it he'll let you choose and then try to go all out because he knows it is a special day.

A bad habit of Tanaka would be
Leaving his socks around the room they often fall off while he's sleeping so he tends to forget about them.

Tanaka not really concerned with his looks but sometimes he gets concerned if he looks a bit too intimidating but he doesn't mind being intimidating just doesn't want to be intimidating to you
So he gets a little worried

Physically he would be fine without you but mentally He doesn't know what he would do. You were always with him through thick and thin
So his life without you it's not the same.

Random head-canon for Tanaka
He secretly likes to see you all week and defenseless he won't admit it though

Tanaka cannot put up with you flirting with other people it makes him feel really insecure like he's not doing something right and it makes him feel like you're drifting away like you're not interested in him anymore.  He hates that type of frustration

He doesn't have a lot of sleeping habits except snoring which is usually not loud but he does have a habit of grabbing the thing next to him in his sleep tanaka also has a habit of rubbing the back of his neck before he falls asleep

{Sorry guys I haven't posted in months I was working on one but I couldn't figure out how to end it without it being too cliché so I took a different approach I know this is different than my others so I hope you enjoyed it
           Sincerely your author💫}

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