Takeda (You were always persistent)

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Button up with his suit and tie once again (y/n) Felt annoyed as he knows how it's Going to go.
(Y/n) Mother was a strict woman
Especially when it comes to marriage. She only wants the "Highest standard" for her son at least that's how she put it. (Y/n) had to go to this "party" To find a beautiful And wealthy wife the thought made him cringe. His mother Ran a family business which of course she wants her son to take over and Was worried about the next generation.

(Y/n) Stopped moping around and got his mothers car. The whole car ride Was about His mom explaining him how to act and the whole point of coming to the party. He was honestly quite annoyed and so was the driver.
Finally the car came to a stop and they both got out and went inside.
Once inside (y/n) quickly parted ways with his mother And once she was Out of sight he quickly Tried to plan an escape. A few moments of walking around (y/n) found another exit he went through And lucky for him the car which they had used to get there Was only a few parking spaces over. (Y/n) Quickly Open the trunk which had a duffel bag in it. he quickly grabbed it and trying to find the nearest convenience store. In the duffel bag was normal clothes so he didn't look like a Businessman walking Around. After walking a few blocks he finally found A store And quickly asked where was the bathrooms.

With that he quickly changed and walked out of the store free from his mothers Grasp. (Y/n) Been so caught up in his success he bumped into Somebody Which caused Them to drop all There papers. (Y/n) Quickly panicked and tried to help but once he looked up at the man he just stared. He had black messy hair With beautiful brown eyes and Not to mention his glasses made his eyes Glow. " Your eyes really are beautiful" (y/n) Not realizing it slipped out of his mouth. The other man's face got red quickly
" oh..Thanks" The man said rubbing his neck. (Y/n) Quickly handed the papers he was holding to the man in front of him. " I'm so sorry about that" (y/n) Said nervously.
" it All right I'm takeda lttetsu" The messy haired man said as he held his hand out. (Y/n) Was hesitant but took his hand And shake it.
" (y/n)   (l/n) ... So I'm guessing you live around here" (y/n) Said As he wanted to keep a conversation.
"Yeah I work at a school that's not too far from here" takeda Said with a smile.

After they talked a little bit more they decided to meet at the same spot tomorrow which (y/n) Was excited for. After they parted ways
(Y/n) Mom called and basically yelled his ear off. His mom picked him up and drove home Silent
Which was really odd.
He got up the next morning And went down to the kitchen but when he got there he was surprised.

There were a guest In his kitchen.....   There was a woman and of course his mother. " oh     (y/n)  Sweetie come sit with me" Her voice saying sweetly.
(Y/n) Sat down with his mother and waited for her Explanation.
" Elena my dear this is my son     (y/n) The one I've been telling you about" One's those words left her mouth he knew it wasn't going to be good. " I am delighted to meet you Mr.(l/n) Your mother has told me a lot of wonderful things" The woman Elena Said in a excited tone. (Y/n) Looked down "Yeah nice to meet you too" He said almost mumbling. (Y/n) Mother glared at him. His mother tried to get him to talk to Elena But he just wouldn't budge He would Nod or shrugged his shoulders. After the woman left (y/n) Had gotten another lecture from his mom But honestly he didn't care.
He wanted to meet that messy haired boy With that sweet smile again

(Y/n) Had been seen takeda For a month now And was going to meet up with him again. right now he felt more stressed than ever His mothers Lectures had gotten worse. But (y/n) tried to push that aside After all he was meeting up with a very good friend. (Y/n) knew he got in there a bit early so he waited. After a while of Waiting the stress soon came back And he couldn't handle it anymore. (Y/n) broke down in tears started to flow. He put his hands in his face so he would cause a scene. All the pressure that he had just came in and hit him like a truck. (Y/n) cried until he heard footsteps in front of him. He was is paralyzed with fear. " hey is that you (y/n) Are you ok" Takeda Sweet Voice Filled (y/n) ears. He was stiff but he cleared his throat "Yeah I'm fine don't worry" (y/n) Quickly wiped his tears Refusing to look at the man above him. Takeda Pulled (y/n) Into a hug. " I know you're not ok just tell me what's wrong" Takeda Said Softly
" Stop it you're gonna make me cry again" (y/n) Said as his voice begins to crack
" You know I'm not one to give up easily" Takeda said With confidence in his voice.
"Yea....You were always persistent" (y/n) Chuckled And dig his head into Takeda Neck.

And just like that (y/n) Poured his heart out and told him everything Even about him liking him. Takeda Listen to every bit and help the best he could

He truly was your best friend and best boyfriend

( I am so sorry for not posting last week got busy another one should be coming up soon so stay tuned)

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