Bokuto (confidence)

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" let's go! let's go! I don't wanna miss him!" (Y/n) female friend said as she begin to push him
" this is stupid and you know it.."
(Y/n) said as his sigh in annoyance
" you're just being a baby!" She said as she guide him to the bleachers.
The both of them took a seat and sat in silence for a bit.
The sound of sneakers sliding across the floor Was not pleasant in fact everything about this was unpleasant. Looking at well-built people with passions.
It was everything (y/n) was not.
It made him want to turn away and leave but of course (y/n) couldn't do that since he was practically dragged into this.

" I don't see him! Do you think I got the dates mixed up!!" She gasp as she nervously looked around the room. (Y/n) shrugged his shoulders " you should've checked the board in the hallway" he said calmly. She looked at him like he solve world hunger
" you are a genius!! I have to go check!" She said And just like that she left you there alone.
He thought the situation couldn't get worse. He was alone at a place he didn't want to be filled with people he wanted to be. everything was going great .
But despite all this he decided it would be more interesting to watch the game then to look at his feet. As he went to look at the team he noticed one was very confident and caused his teammates to have confidence as well. (Y/n) thought this was absolutely amazing he never thought about it that way and he watched even more closer.
He saw the white haired man shut down and get right back up again with the help of his teammates. And A thought went through his head
" can I be like that"
It can't be that hard he thought
And millions of possibilities ran through his head. A tap on he shoulder shook him out of his haze.
" he's not even playing today"
His friend pouted as she proceeds to put her hands on her hips
" so we can go now since there's no point" she said in a disappointed tone
" you go ahead without me...
i'll stay"
(Y/n) friend look surprise
"O-Oh ok i'll see you tomorrow then" she awkwardly laughed and then walked away. (Y/n) went back into his Hayes Until the match ended.

When the match ended he got up form the stadium and headed out.
As he got to the end of the stairs he saw the same white haired man from before. (Y/n) Took a deep breath and decided to walk over to him but Once he was there he froze in panic. His teammates took notice of (y/n) while turning their heads
"I- um.." (y/n) had wide eyes as the white haired man turned his head......
The (h/c) started sprinting for his life like there's no tomorrow.
He couldn't handle the embarrassment and ran away.

Beep beep
(Y/n) set up while slapped his alarm clock. That incident happened three days ago and he was going to set his plan in action.
He even wrote it down. (Y/n) grab the sticky note he wrote it on and stuck it to the mirror while read it out loud.

How to be a Chad

• approach people first to seem like you know what you're doing

• join a club it will help in the friend process

• I have a semi-loud personality but not too loud

• T pose to assert dominance

Last one was a joke but he was up to try it. Once (y/n) was done
With his normal morning routine
he decided to head off to school.

This went on for weeks and surprisingly it was working
He had a whole army in his Cult
Well Actually (y/n) only had like four or five but it made him feel powerful anyways.
(Y/n) went from nothing in life matters
to nothing in life matters but with a happy mental attitude and honestly he felt great.

" hey why don't you join volleyball?"
(Y/n) female friend said

"Um no thanks "
(Y/n) said with boredom is voice

" but why not! You were clearly fascinated with it when I took you to the game"
She said surprise with his answer

The (h/c) haired boy nearly choked and with that reaction his friend came up to another conclusion.

" ooh you saw someone you like
That makes a lot more sense"
She started to laugh as (y/n) slid down his chair.

" come on tell me who I can probably get his number for you~"
She said obviously trying to make him embarrassed

" oh yeah I can trust you with that remember last time"
He said sarcastically
" hey at least I tried And don't try to get off topic scratch that do you even know his name?" 
(Y/n) shook his head in embarrassment
" how about jersey number
Do you even remember that?"
He obviously remembered that
It's the one thing that stood out to him beside his hair
" well yeah four..."
Something clicked in (y/n)
" hey you went to go check on whose school was playing that day!"
His female friend instantly got excited
"oh yes I remember it was Fukurodani academy and I think that we have enough information!"
The (h/c) haired boy looked at her confused

" let's go meet him!"

Being dragged by his female friend once again.
they decide to go visit the school
And try to find the volleyball court
As they figured that's where they should start.
His female friend dragged him to the gym doors but (y/n) stood there petrified
" knock on the door dumb dumb"
She said in a loud whisper
(Y/n) lifted his hand and knocked on the door quietly
" Oh looks like no one's here"
He turned around
" nope you're not going anywhere!"
She said as she open the gym doors
The sound of sneakers sliding against the gym floor had stopped immediately and so has (y/n) breathing
She said practically yelling

This is when the dreads started to kick in.
" Number four? Bokuto? "
One of the team members spoke
" if he's number four" she said in a sarcastic tone
" tell her I didn't do it!"
The same well fit white haired man from before spoke.
" sure you didn't now come out here before I get you out"  she said oh she close the gym doors.
" OK I'm going to make a run for it good luck" she said as she sprinted away probably leaving a brain cell behind.
(Y/n) froze up again and was about to make a run for it to.
Buuut right on cue the gym doors opened.
" no hey look I know I knocked down that flag but it's entirely not my fault ok" The white haired male said.
" o-oh u-um"
The (h/c) began to look at the ground once again feeling the same nervousness he felt before.
But he took a deep breath.

" Will you possibly maybe want to be my friend...?"
(Y/n) could feel every millisecond passing by like an hour as he waited for an answer.

" so it's not about the flag thing"
The man in front of them said
He said still looking at the ground.

The white haired man took a deep sigh of relief
" well yeah of course! Oh i'm bokuto by the way also do you have a piece paper?"
(Y/n) confused pulled out a piece of paper from their pockets and a pen. Bokuto happily took it and quickly scribbled something down.
"  so we can keep in touch"
Bokuto said with a smirk as he walked back into practice.
The (h/c) hesitantly look at the piece of paper

it was his phone number

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