Will it ever work?

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  • Dedicated to Onashi Choudhury

My mom glared at me. She was wearing her rosy nightgown and her eyes were red and puffy. Fucking hell Its like she was on crack. I said to her 'mom...I'm sorry about..' But she interrupted me ' BRYANNA I thought I could trust you. I know you went on a little date with TreMaine but your 2 HOURS LATE!!!!! Bryanna I'm not killing your self esteem but your hopeless and  you know that? I don't know what to do with you , you might aswell be like your father'  and then she started crying. Even though my Mom didn't like my father, she still loved him because she gave him chances which he broke many times but always forgave him in the end .. The last thing she wanted for us  is to end up like him and that usually meant death.

I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't have it. She dismissed me but for some reason I still stayed. I guess raising 6 children with a budget and no help is fucking crazy. I finally went to sleep at 4 am after mom rejuvinated herself to being normal. I texted TreMaine and told him everything and then I texted him something else that read:  ' Tre Baby, my mom is killing herself slowly because of  me and my brothers and sister, i've never really noticed but seriously, I think at the moment  we need some space? maybe till Thursday? we can still talk and shit but I need to spend time with my mom and friends? I'm sorry baby, and i looove you <3<3 :'(.  i sent this shit so i have to live by it.....(sigh).

On Monday I decided to wear a crop top and  changed my belly bar..( yes i have a belly bar) but anyway I also wore skinny jeans and my favourite wedges, LeBron deleted all my songs on my ipod so I chucked him out my window...THAT FUCKING RETARD. I swear he would not live through his life if he carried this shit on.

After I arrived at school, the first person I saw was---------------- My TreMaine. He looked at me and smiled, that smile of his always made me melt and but  I just looked at him coldly ( um not that coldly though, after all he was still my boyfriend) and went to maths. SHIT. MATHS+ TREMAINE = DISASTER. I sat down and stared at my book, atfter a while TreMaine sent me note saying " Bry can I talk to you ? :)? "   i replied with a  "no." When class finished I ran outside and paid Dylan $15 for something, I was gasping for air and my head started aching like fuck so I took a lighter ( that stole from Jelani ) and starting smoking something my father dealt.............Weed. 

I really dont know if i could keep my relationship with TreMaine a relationship, it'll pretty much  end up like a relationSHIT. Will this EVER work?

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