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"Wi, i thought you're gonna call us when you arrive?" Seulgi unnie pouted. "You said we are gonna pick you guys up at the airport!" Byul unnie half yelled. Oh, I missed Byul unnie. Its been years, it's been a while.

"The kids were hungry unnie, they were starting to look at me like little cubs! I can't make them wait longer or they're gonna bite my ass!" I answered half yelling half whispering. Patting both of my sleepy kids' hair. The two unnies giggled at me like it wasn't a serious threat. My kids can be very aggressive sometimes, especially when they're hungry. I looked at my little angels, oh gosh they're lovely, my babies.
"Ya, Whee, are they staying here for good?" Byul unnie asked. I looked at my girls lovingly, thinking. "Maybe unnie, maybe."


We arrived at Byul unnie's apartment. She said we should temporarily stay here until I finish cleaning and working on my mother's house in Jeonju. Who am I to say no? My kids love their Byulie.

The kids were sleeping at Byul unnie's room as I unpack our luggage. I packed only a little. This is gonna be enough for 3 months. Im still thinking whether we are staying here for good or we are going back to the Philippines. The kids loved it there. We moved before they were even born, just four years after we announced our disbandment. Their existence is still unknown to the public and I would love to keep it private, safe from the public's eyes.

Oh, and they have to start schooling this year so I am gonna enrol them here for summer school. And maybe, if they like it here..... we're staying for good.


I woke up feeling numb and sweaty. I tried to move my arm to check the time but I felt a head on my arm. "Right, my babies." I thought to myself. Its still early as I look at the dim sky. I slowly moved my arms so I don't wake up my kids. They both stirred and snuggled closer to me. I giggled as I heard one of them say "Mommy, sleepy sleepy nwoo" I held one of them with my arm and rolled her up so I could free my arm and rolled the other one to the side to free my other arm. I successfully got up and positioned my girls on the bed and put pillows around them just in case both of them decides to dive on the floor. I checked my phone for the time and its still very early. "5 am, still very early. I should probably do some workout."

After doing some workout - oh, i try to stay fit- I decided to cook breakfast for the kids and I and of course Byul unnie. It was 6:45 am when I finished and Byul unnie was already up, so I told her to wait at the table so we could eat together. I went to the room to see if the kids are awake and they're still both sleeping soundly. Oh, my little girls. So sweet. I went back to the dining table and asked unnie if she wants some coffee but she already had one.

"Were you up this early everyday?" She asked. "Yeah, but on weekends we sleep in and make brunch with the kids"
I answered. Whenever I think about the way we lived in the Philippines, it makes my heart flutter. Waking up in the morning, cook breakfast, eat with the kids, bath them after, they either watch TV or read books til lunch. And they're very much clingy with their dogs. Oh, I miss our dogs. The kids must have missed them a lot too.

Byul unnie almost jumped on her seat when she heard my baby shout. I giggled at her and pat her shoulder, "She is fine unnie, they just need morning cuddles." I walked to the room and saw my girls, half asleep pouting as if their milk bottles were stolen. I slowly went on the bed and lied down and they're fast to snuggle me and kiss my face. "Good morning mommy, I missed you." Sowhee mumbled. "Good morning too my love, I missed you too." I answered and kissed her hair. "How about me mommy?" Arhee said with a pout almost reaching her nose. I giggled and peppered her with kisses, "Of course, I missed my other princess too." They both giggled and snuggled closer to my neck sniffing me. "How about you guys get up and eat breakfast with mommy and Byulie? Sounds good?" I suggested, both of them stood up, as fast as a lightning, and ran to the bathroom, "Hey, no running! Be careful!"


The morning went as usual, I bathed the kids after eating and they asked for their books while drying her hair. Byul unnie looked at me oddly, "I thought they read children stories at 5 years old, Wheenie. Your kids read novels at 5. Unbelievable." I giggled, remembering how they love to read books when I gave them both a copy of my favorite book, The Giver, on their 3rd birthday. Since then, we never missed a visit to the bookstore whenever I or Bea brings them to the mall.

I told the kids I had to run an errand for the whole day and I would leave them two to their Byulie and they both agreed with not much of a problem. Just a little, "Can I come with you mommy?" "But I'll miss you mommy, won't you miss me?" in pouty lips and puppy eyes. But we settled the whining when I said I'd bring home ice cream and would call them every 2 hours.


Bridge, Bea's secretary here in Korea, drove me to Jeonju. I had to check my mom's house to see what needs to be fixed. The house was pretty fine, it just needs some cleaning and new beds. I contacted someone from the company Bea and I owns to look at it and do the work for me. I just need to see what else the kids and I need and ask our people to tell the workers. After they arrived, I went to the grocery store to buy some supplies for both my mom's house and Byul unnie's. I called Byul unnie to ask what she needs and how the girls are doing. "Mommy, Sowhee and I helped Byulie make dalgona candy!" Arhee said, face full of sugar and sweat, holding her almost finished candy. "You did sweetie? That's great but what did mommy tell you about sweets?" I saw Sowhee widen her eyes as she heard me say that, "Were eating only little mommy." Sowhee said, blush on her cheeks like a deer caught on headlight. "Okay, love. Clean up after eating okay? I love you both. Can I talk to Byulie now?" I said, as I stopped to reach for the Chocolate syrup and Pancake box. "YA! Unnie, not much of the sweets! They'd be full of energy and I swear you're gonna have a hard time taming them. I warned you." I told Byulie unnie. She just shrugged and answered, "They were having fun, I couldn't say no." I was looking at the ingredients written on the pancake box when I heard someone gasp just beside me. I turned to look at her thinking she recognized me but she was already running when I saw her. "Weird." I thought. "Byul unnie, Ill be there after an hour or two. I hope you survive." I said and giggled before I ended the call.


"How's the school hunting going, Whee?" Byulie unnie asked as we arrive at her house carrying one of the twins. We were looking for schools to enrol the twins and its been 3 days. Finally. "I enrolled them in a school in Seoul just near the company." Laying Sowhee down the sofa and getting Arhee from Byul unnie, placing her beside her twin. "They're starting next week. I think we need to shop for their things, would you like to join?" I sat on the floor like a vegetable, obviously tired from today's adventure. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to!" Byul unnie answered full of energy as she sat down beside me, handing me a glass of water. "Oh, Hyejin called." I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the sofa, "yeah? What did she say? Why didn't she call me?" Byul unnie sat up straight, "She said she would love to meet the kids and hang with you. And she miss you." I chuckled. "Why isn't she calling me then?" Unnie laughed, "Whee, Hyejinie is a busy bee! But she said she would as soon as she can." A little smile formed as I think about how Hyejin is doing so well. Oh, my Hyejin, my soulmate. "Right, I should probably have my shirt signed by her when we meet." We laughed. She paused for an uncomfortable minute and i looked at her. "Unnie. Are you okay?" She looked at me and said, "Yong also called. After how many years." And I couldn't sleep that night.


Oh, this is my first story and idk why i did this? Hehehehe i may act impulsively and delete it but yep, tell me what chu think about it. If I have offended someone, please tell me. Hehehehe have a nice day~

posted this on asian fanfics >.<

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