Part 2: a Table for two

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S: you won! I knew you would win!
D: ya ya. Whatever.
S: not anyone can get 'song of the year'
And Sunshine hit number 1!
D: ya I know.
I opened Twitter and tweet
'Thank you all! 'Sunshine' would have never won without all my amazing fans! Love you lots ❤️❤️'
I close my phone and it goes off again.
Unknown: too soon to text?
Confused I type.
D: who is this?
H: it's Harry, from the awards, congrats btw on your best song of the year, I thought it was a great one to.
D: thanks lol.
H: doing anything tonight?
D: tonight?
H: ya, I'm busy tomorrow and so I just thought maybe we could do something tonight?
D: sure! Where do you wanna meet up?
H: you like Italian? I know this great place.
D: ya. I do. It's actually my favorite haha.
H: great, I will pick you up at 8.
D: ok my address is 5515 green street.
H: ok. See you then.
"Hey gene."
"Yuh. " she was on her phone too
"Have you heard of 'Harry Styles'?"
"Ha- what? Ya of course."
"Oh. Ok."
"Oh he is just taking me out to dinner tonight."
"Oh- wait he what?"
"Ya he is picking me up at 8."
"Oh my. Well don't tell anyone. You guys don't want to much paparazzi."
"I know I know."
"You know the drill with celebrity and Celebrity"
"Ya ya. I know."
"Just be careful."
"Oh my god gene. Nothing is gonna happen."
"Ok whatever."
I put on my mascara when I heard a knock on my door.
I said to myself.
I went downstairs and opened the door,
"hey, sorry im not quite ready yet, wanna come in while I finish up?"
"Ya sure."
I take him up stairs where all my make up is.
"You look really good tonight." He says.
"Thanks. Haha I'm not even ready yet." I say.
"Well you look very pretty."
He says.
"Thank you." I say.
I finish up my makeup and he takes me out to his car. I hop in a he drives me to this little restaurant called "amber"
"Ok I know it looks suspicious but I promise it's good." He says as we walk inside.
"Ok I trust you."
He grabs my hand and we walk inside.
A little plump Italian man greets us
"Oh hey Harry I- uh. Harry..."
He says
"Um...does Kallie know?"
Harry looks confused at first
"Oh! Ya. Well she cheated on me so..."
"Oh...ok. I'm sorry to hear that."
He turns to me.
"Hi ma'am I'm Ronnie, and you are???"
He holds out his hand.
"Um...well, Technically Kiwi."
"Kiwi? What an interesting name."
"Well haha it's just my stage name."
"Oh so are you a musician too?"
"Yes. If you promise not to tell anyone I will tell you my real name." I say with a smile
"I wouldn't tell a skunk."
I laugh. And whisper
"Beautiful name."
He turns to Harry.
"Your girlfriend has a beautiful name!"
He laughs.
"Woah woah woah, girlfriend?! This is our first date."
I jokingly elbow Harry in the side.
"Won't be our last."
He laughs.
"Table for two I assume?" Ronnie says.
"Yes please" Harry replies.
Ronnie takes us to a little table in the corner.
"Can I start you two off with a drink?"
"Are you 21?" Harry asks me.
I laugh. "As of 3 days ago yes." I say
"She will have a Amberine" he says.
"A what?!" I say.
"You'll see." He says.
"I. Be right back with that."
" your gonna tell Ronnie your name and not me"
He laughs.
I lean across the table and whisper "Daisy"
"Aww." He says.
"It's such a cute name. That's gonna be my next tattoo"
"What? No. That's on your body for the rest of your life"
"So?" He says
"I will get a little daisy flower right next to my star." He points to an empty space on his arm.
"Do you have any tattoos?" He asks me.
"I have 1" I say. And point to the 'S' on my wrist.
"It stands for sunny, my best friends name."
"2 Amberines"
Ronnie puts a tall purple drink infront of me.
"What is in this."
I say.
"It's a surprise"
He walks away. I take a sip with out questioning anything.
"D*mn" I say without questioning it.
Harry laughs.
"Sorry for my language. But what the heck is in this."
"All I know is there is Vodka in it." He says in between laughs. I take another sip.
"Its good, but it's strong."
A few hours go by and I was in Harry's Car again. And I Had had 3 of those amberine things.
"Are you ok? You think you would be ok one your own."
Im obviously drunk and don't process what he is saying. "Ya I will be fine."
I say.
I don't remember what else he said. I just remembered falling asleep with the song "if I could fly" playing softly in the background.

Kiwi // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now