f o u r t e e n

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chapter fourteen: definitely not love

song: honesty by pink sweats

Kaylee's POV

I wake up with arms wrapped around me. I turn and see Anthony peacefully sleeping. I smile thinking about what happened last night. It was nice to actually go a little farther with him. I just wish we could take things a little faster together.

I check the time seeing that it's eight o'clock. I order an Uber and start looking for my pants that are somewhere around his room.

I step to pick up my shirt and hear the floor creak. I hold in my breath and whip my head towards him, but only see him turn, keeping his eyes closed. I pick up my pants, sliding them on and quietly walk out his bedroom door. I go downstairs, leaving his place and getting into the Uber.

Okay, I know how it looks: you're really just going to leave him after an amazing night of him treating you like a QUEEN.

Well... Yes. But only because that reason exactly. When he told me, or when he told the "drunk and passed out" me, that he "thinks it's weird because he only met me two days ago" and he "doesn't think think he's ever felt this way about a woman before," it honestly freaked me out. I tried to ignore it to the best of my ability, but I couldn't. I know how he feels and that's why I have to take a few steps back.

I can't fall for him. It's just setting me up for more problems. I'm nineteen about to go into college, and he's twenty-four about to make it big on Broadway. I'm just trying to be realistic here, and getting to know Anthony, I know he's going to try to be idealistic in this case. If I'm going to be in a relationship, I'm going to look at the whole outcome. Is it gonna end in a heart break? Probably. So why not leave it how it is now?

Anthony and I are young. It's hard to tell. Hell, I just met him a week ago. I know he's falling for me, and I know I'm starting to fall for him. And that's why I have to have some space to myself for a little while.

I get out of the Uber, walking up to Pip's apartment. I open the door and try to shut it quietly, in case Pipa is still sleeping. "I thought you were coming home last night," I hear from behind me. I jump, surprised to hear her voice behind me. I roll my eyes, then turn around facing her. "I know, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you-"

"Kay, that's literally all I ask of you," she says, sipping her coffee out of her mug. "I know, I know-"

"You don't know. You're nineteen, and basically under my watch. I've said this so many times already. I'm just trying to make sure you're safe. And if you don't, I seriously think I have to talk to Anthony-"

"Well, I probably won't be hanging out with him as much, so you won't have to," I say, walking away from the conversation towards my bedroom door.

"What? Why not?" she asks, stopping me from going into my room. "I'm just not feeling it anymore," I slightly lie, not making eye contact with her.

"I know that's a lie. Seriously, what's up?" she asks with a worried look. "Pip, nothing! We had a good night. I'm just not into it," I mumble. "The way I've seen you with him, you're definitely into it," she says, grabbing my hand. "I'm just trying to find out what happened, so I have a better understanding-"

"Ant and I happened! Okay? I just think he's getting too into this relationship, where I'm not," I say, raising my voice in frustration. She's taken aback. "Kaylee, we talked about this when you first got here," she says, softly. "I just want you to try to commit, so you don't end up like Mom."

"I'm nineteen. I'm old enough to make my own decisions," I say running my hands through my hair.

"So nothing bad happened?" she asks. "Yes something bad happened! He's starting to catch feelings, Pip." I pause, looking at the ground. "It's bad," I say, starting to pace around the room. "Kaylee, how is that bad? He likes you! This is rare for him to-"

"It's bad because I can see myself liking him in the future.. A-and that's not me. I'm not the kind of relationship person. I'm young. I'm comfortable with how I am right now. I have one night stands! I don't do this! I don't need anything to change. If Ant and I start something, everything's gonna change, whether it changes for me or changes for him," I say, frustrated that she doesn't understand. "I don't want to be a burden to him, vise versa," I say, feeling the tingling in my cheeks signaling that tears are about to start flowing.

I see her try to say something else, but I turn around to go into my room, so she doesn't see me emotional. I close the door and lay on my bed and face the ceiling.

I don't have feelings for Ant right now. That's not the type of person I am. And if other people don't like it, they have to deal with it.

Pipa's POV

I don't understand why she is freaking out. She's making such a big deal out of something that shouldn't be a big deal. He likes her. I've never seen Ant commit to a girl like this in a while. Hell, he left Jas for her!

She's always been like this because of Mom. She sees how Mom hops around from family to family, and that's all she knows. She has never dated a guy for more than a month, and always ends up breaking up with him.

I just need to find a way to help her out. I think her and Ant could really work out.

Ant's POV

I wake up alone. I'm confused because Kaylee's not next to me. I didn't even notice her wake up. I get up and look around to see if she's in the bathroom or something, but can't find her. I check my phone and see a text from her about two hours ago.


8:32 A.M.

can we talk?

I respond right away.


8:32 A.M.

can we talk?

yea. everything good? you left early this morning :(

She avoids answering my question and responds.


8:32 A.M.

can we talk?

yea. everything good? u left early this morning :(

meet at birch cafe at 3:00

OK Kaylee is pretty annoying in this chapter but it will get better I promise haha

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