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3 years ago…

I ran down the street hoping no one would notice and luckily, not kill me. I hid behind on the shopping carts instantly smelling raw fish. I hurried to another cart gagging along the way. This market place was here for many ages and new merchants came here to sell so-called valuable goods for more expensive prices than they sold before. Luckily for me, it was night and creatures, like fairies and wizards, already left the market going back to their homes. 

But there was itsy bitsy problem for me. Not since it was night time, creatures which were vampires and werewolves were out on the streets. Much better for me when no one saw me since I didn’t want to be caught at all. As I went from cart to cart which were without any food or goods, I looked around trying to detect the figure I wanted to see. I couldn’t see in the dark as well as he did and besides that, I didn’t know a spell for that. Well, who could blame me? I’m only beginning to control my powers. 

I grumbled looking around once before I ran into the person or whoever it was and stumbled back. Person stood still and turned around light coming from his outstretched hand. Wizard. But why is he here, I thought to myself as light caught his face and his features. I growled at him, but since he made no move to grab me and as soon as I saw who it was, I stopped growling and blushed hoping he wouldn’t see my face, “Excuse me.”

Aaron chuckled and nodded giving me a hand to help me, “It’s all good. Don’t worry about that.” I smiled and took his hand as he pulled me up. I released his hand as soon as I got up and brushed myself off still slightly blushing. “What are you doing here so late?” I asked him as I looked him over.

He was handsome as ever. Perfect face, board shoulders and muscular chest that can make any girl faint in sight of him. His brown hair bangs fell into his warm brown eyes as he watched me with what I was thinking somewhat interest. Even though he was fourteen years old, he looked like sixteen which made him even more handsome. “Just taking a walk before I go back to the orphanage.” Aaron shrugged carelessly and started walking once again down the street right in the middle of it.

 I stared at his back for awhile before catching up with him, “Good to know.” The orphanage was the place we grew up together and lived there ever since our parents abandoned us. That and the thing that we were both wizards was all we had in common. He was witty, good-looking, nice, kind, sweet and especially he never fought. As I was smart and my intelligence helped me doing my pranks on our teachers, always going into the fights and mean to everyone.  

Always he saved me from punishments but not from the fights. He took the blame and made people believe that he actually did those things when I did them. Aaron wouldn’t betray me and will follow up to the end of the world we were living in. 

I sighed softly and he looked at me with those brown eyes, “Are you okay? Ever since I saw you, you were down like something heavy was put on you. You can tell me anything, Violet. You know that, right?” I almost melted as he said my name and nodded. Nothing was better to hear it than with his voice. 

“Alright.” I nodded and bit my lip slightly before saying. “Would you run away with me if you had a chance? Would you leave this poor town and go to the much better town where no one, even vampires, would kill you?”

Aaron looked at me before shaking his head, “I can’t. This is my home. I lived here since I was brought here. I don’t have any skills and spells that will help me survive in another town or any money. Don’t you remember that we are orphans? No one, even our parents, doesn’t want us.”

His words stung in my heart as I felt tears coming up but before he could see them, I wiped my eyes with back of my hand. There is nothing to be sad about. He has a good reason to say that, right? I thought to myself and said, “So you won’t come with me? Don’t you want to break free of this walls that are around us and explore the world that is filled with other creatures that people don’t even know about? I do! I want to leave this place for ever and forget about it! I want to live a normal life!” I whispered angrily as I saw a shadow move in front of us.

Aaron glared at me and shook his head, “No. This is my home. I won’t leave it ever in my life. You can say anything you want, but I don’t. Want. To. Leave. You shouldn’t as well.” He snapped at me before starting to walk again but faster than he did before.

I was taken aback by his sudden outburst and especially his glare. Normally he would be pretty calm since his temper almost never rose, but now he was all fired up just because I asked him if he would leave with me. And I got my answer. I exclaimed, “Fine! I’ll leave by myself then!” When I said so, the sign that marked the place as store with wands lit up on fire. I stared at it wondering how could have I did it when I said no spell of what so ever.

As sing burned, the shadow that I have seen before moved and soon it was holding my arms behind my back tightly making me gasp. I turned my head to see my holder and gulped seeing guard of Academy. Academy was a place for misbehaving wizards and there, they were taught how to control themselves and their powers. They wore uniforms with a mark that looked like bird being chained to a pole and were all elegant which made me want to gag. I didn’t want to go there. I wanted to be free and now I was going to be trapped in that building. 

 “No!” I screamed struggling in the grip of the guard, “Aaron! Help me! Please!” As I looked at him, he stood there with emotionless face not even trying to break me free from the grasp the strong guard. When I caught coldness in his gaze which was directed straight at me, I felt burning tears slip down my face leaving and drew a shuddering breath trying not to cry as hard as I wanted. 

When I stopped struggling, guard hoisted me up on the saddle with him behind me. Seeing my chance, I jumped down from the horse and ran towards Aaron. Taking him by the shoulders, I shook him, “Aaron! Wake up!” Guard seeing me jump off the saddle sighed heavily and followed me down once again taking hold of me. He growled lowly into my ear as he put dagger under my throat, “Let’s go before I break your arm. Or any other of your limbs.”

I bit my lip hard and looked at Aaron begging him to save me. He looked at me with those icy eyes, I loved so much and now that made me shudder, and shook his head, “No, Violet. Just go with them.”

I screamed once again and this time, I let guard hoist me up back on the horse. He tied a rope around my waist and put it into his hands as well the reins. Guard clicked his tongue and horse started walking swiftly in soft gallop. As I cast one more glance behind me at Aaron, I felt hate building up in me like a ball of energy. 

I growled and shouted on top of my lungs with pure hate that was directed at the boy that I loved as well cared just few minutes ago, “I hate you!” You better know how to hide, because I’ll come after you. Sooner or later, I thought to myself as guard shushed me and put his horse into gallop heading towards the school.

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