Chapter 2: The Ruins

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I lay in bed with opened but droopy and sleepy eyes. I was afraid to sleep, afraid to let him into my dreams, again. The bells of the school rang in every possible room in the whole building waking up every person. I groaned and rolled over on my stomach closing my eyes finally.

Then again the bells rang clear and loud in my aching head and grumbling, I opened my eyes and sat up yawning. My arms and legs got better just as I expected them to be and so I could stand up without any wincing or grimacing. After sitting and yawning for couple of seconds, I stood and combed my hair with my fingers as my gaze darted around the nightstand searching for my pearl comb.

I froze familiar shape of a rock shining in the small rays of sunlight. Forcing my legs to get over there, I picked up the rock and my heart dropped. It was going to sound childish but this rock was the very first present that Aaron gave me on my birthday. And on same one, he didn’t save me from the Guards.

The rock, as he said, was supposed to have magic in it. Aaron believed that it held power to make wishes come true. He told me the process was that if you see the full moon, take the rock into your hands and make a wish. After I left the streets, I’ve been making a wish that my true love will come to me. That time I thought that Aaron was my true love and I still think now although it may not be true.

I felt stinging at the back of my throat realizing that I was on verge of bursting into tears. Quickly gathering myself, I glanced at the ancient clock that hang above the large mirror then heavy sigh escaped from me before I could stop it. Now the question hung in the air. Will I go to the hunt or not? Many other people would thought of me as killer of everything good, but this time it hurt – I was hurt – that much that I decided to show that that I wasn’t.

Idiotic, right? Although now the idea formed in my head and it didn’t seem like that at all. I quickly fetched some boy’s clothes from my closet before I bit my lip and shaking my head, I changed them to the girl’s ones. Everyone in the school wore same clothes though some begged to differ. Boys wore white jacket that won’t ever be stained even if you roll in mud with buttons right on the heart or dark green one with an emblem of the Academy on the same spot, on the heart. Along dark brown pants and simple black boots that somehow fitted them.

Girls although had very rich parents and often broke the rules by changing the dull uniform that school gave them into fancy clothes that their aristocrat parents bought them. After few months, boy started to do the same, wearing fancier clothes to either out – peacock the girls or bring them closer. And soon enough I was almost the only one who was wearing the original clothes.

Even I started wearing other boots until knees and with black with gold string cloak that was always on me although I got a bit tired of that wardrobe and began to dress like a guy. With my hair up, I quickly changed into white blouse and dark brown pants along between green and brown color boots.

When I was finally done with changing the clothes, I jumped out of the window and landed on the ground with low sound looking around. We were not supposed to go outside without any supervision especially when it was foggy day. And today it was. Fog lay low on the ground covering with its texture the trees and everything else making it almost invisible. My gaze skipped around the place scanning every object that looked like Drake or someone else.

Nothing looked like either of them so I sighed and stretched breathing in air from the latest rain. The fresh air moved around me calming me and my aching head that started to ache ever since I saw that damn rock. My hand moved to my neck and massaged it unknotting muscles somewhat but enough for me to move my head without wincing.

I looked around again and sighing heavier, I headed to the forest watching where I stepped. When I was finally in the foggy forest and complete silence, my feet kept walking heading somewhere farther away from school. Reaching appropriate distance, I stopped and shiver went down my spine signaling that someone was either watching me intensely or aiming at my back with something.

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