Chapter 4: Unfair Kindness

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Jolt of pain in my neck woke me up roughly making me open my eyes to stare up to the dark, black ceiling. Everything was dark around me but before I could sit up, the sting at my neck and ache of my arms made me lie still. My heart hammered against my chest as I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. How could anyone catch me?

When corner of my eye caught a dim light coming from the other side of the hard bed, I was forced to ignore the pain and turn my head hoping that the kidnapping and the bite was all just a simple dream. But when the fate was the one that I wished it would be? I squinted trying to see if there was a door or something like that but I still didn't get used to the darkness of the room therefore I gave up and started to look at my surroundings.

As I started to make out the dark objects in the room, I found myself being in the expensive looking room. Beautiful art hung from the walls, large chandelier was on the ceiling, closet almost took up the entire wall and bed was much, much bigger than all of me. Pillows underneath my head made me fall back into them since they were so soft and the blanket that was put over me was just as soft.

It was truly the best room I've ever been in.

Sudden creak of the door made me look back quickly at it. The ache shot through every inch of me as I tried to writhe out of it half crying half angry. Soft footsteps interrupted my struggling through the pain and low chuckle came from the shadowed figure as I shrunk away from it. "Ah, you woke up. I was worried that the bite killed you. You slept for five days already.” It paused sighing before it continued with grim smile. “Famous Violet. I hear many rumors about you and yet one of them wasn't true." The figure leaned closer and then I saw the horrid red eyes and sharp teeth of the creature. "You are so much beautiful up close even if my servants told me that smell of you was horrible." It shook its head sadly.

My smell? I frowned confusingly as creature bent down and touched my burning arm with his hand cold as ice. The burning throughout me second by second, slowly went away leaving me tired and on verge of bursting in tears. As I sighed with relief, creature smiled its toothy smile and continued. "Anyways, I was thinking about you serving for me. I’ll provide you shelter, food, all the riches you ever saw and anything you want.”

“So what? I don’t need anything. I have everything. Besides, what are you?” I asked calmly looking at him annoyingly even though my heart was beating so far in fear. Keeping my gaze calm and cold, creature seemed to be slightly taken back with my reaction. But then it laughed and nodded. “Alright. How about this?” It sat down on the bed laying its hand beside mine. “You will eat the food and after awhile, I’ll tell you what we are, okay?”

Hearing sound of food, my stomach grumbled and I blushed lightly beginning to nod. The creature grinned again his toothy grin and continued. “Great! My name is Duke Ostralach. And this is my humble home. Let’s go!” Mr. Duke grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bed pulling me towards the door and outside into the hall.

I yelped at the sudden movement as my arm began to feel like they were broken and ripped off and my neck from unable to keep my head straight ached as if someone wanted to strangle me. When we walked out into the bright lit hallway with dozens of windows showing star light sky, I stumbled and fell down, my arms somewhat softening my fall.

Mr. Duke looked down at me and then probably noticed the red gashes on my arms, shoulders and one big, red bite mark on my neck. At least I expected them to look like that with this whole deal of pain. I turned my head to him and wincing, asked. “Pretty idiotic guy, your pathetic servants caught as well, where is he?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment, before he replied. “Oh, he’s in dungeon. If you want, you can see him after dinner.” I nodded slightly scared to set off the pain again and he reached out giving me his hand. I accepted it gladly and he hauled me up in his arms. 

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