Chapter 1: New as Unexpected

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I sighed and sat down with grim expression on my wooden desk inspecting my dagger over for any broken places. Gladly perfectly polished, shaped like a feather blade glowed slightly even in the lit up room with no broken pieces at all. Its handle was covered in small rubies and diamonds that were enough to make it look like it was an expensive dagger that only rich people had. 

Other students thought that I always steal those daggers from someone who was extremely wealthy, but the truth was that I bought them from the market when I had enough money that the school was giving us. Some students came over to me to talk but quickly went away as I looked up to them with annoyed look. Like, seriously, who would expect me to talk when I was in bad mood?

Finally bell rang signaling that the class started, I climbed off the desk and sat down on my chair putting my legs on the desk. Mr. Oderan, the teacher who seemed to have always something against me and my attitude, walked inside and shot me a glare before saying to all the class. “Class,” Everyone groaned preparing themselves for the long speech he always gave us as new wizard or something else came into the school, “As always new wizards come to this academy every day and year at different ages. We always welcome them.” He looked pointedly at me as some of the students snickered but stopped as soon as I raised a brow scanning the crowd for them, “So be nice and helpful. I’d like to present to you, Drake Lavender.”

Door opened slowly making anxiety go through the room like soft summer breeze. Everyone was curious to see the new student and how did he look like. Well, at least all the girls were. At last tall guy stepped into the class and broke the tension in the room. First thing that I hated about him when he stepped in was that he had smirk on his face which seemed like he owned every girls heart and second is that he was absolutely gorgeous, in other girls’ terms, he was smoking hot. As soon as every girl in the class laid their eyes on him, their mouths dropped open and they stared at cutest guy they ever seen before them. 

He had black hair which fell over his dark green eyes making him look like he was just perfecting his features with only that and as he met every girl’s gaze, they almost swooned from their seat looking like they were melting from just his gaze. I sighed shaking my head. Another stuck-up guy in the school who thought that he could have anything he wanted. 

Obviously he was a rich guy judging by his neat clothes and straight posture and especially dagger strapped to his leg. It of course caught my interest and my gut told me that I just had to have it. Finally I was done looking him over and his weapons that he had on, I stood and his green eyes that were looking over every girl in the class immediately fell on me. Just from his stare made me want to kick him hard enough that he will fall on his butt. As if he knew what I was thinking, he smiled at me charmingly with smile that will probably make all the girls sigh. 

“Hello, beauty. What’s your name?”

Everyone in the whole room stilled and every conversation in the large room died as they looked at him with wide eyes. Uh – oh. Some murmurs passed through the class which soon stopped too as I raised a brow at him and walked slowly over. My heels clicked on the granite floor which was the only sound that was heard in the silenced room. As I came near him, Drake raised his hands before him still having his smile on.

 “I’m sorry if I offended you, milady. But what can I do? You are beautiful and I just wanted to know your name.” His smile grew into a grin and he shrugged.  

“Of course you are sorry.” I said no expression of what’s so ever. That was the easiest way to scare people from what I’ve learned in past three years being here. Especially in this school which was almost like my kingdom that I ruled. As whispers were passed around, Drake sighed his grin getting back to lopsided charming smile his green eyes shining with amusement. “Anyway, may I know your name?”

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