Daily Battle

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This fucking sucked. 

I flashed an angry glare at Lee, the physiotherapist, "I'm not doing it."

Lee laughed, "Yeah, you are. Stop being a dick and just do it."

I flipped him the finger and he laughed. I narrowed my gaze at him but it only made him laugh harder.

"Fuck off. Leave me alone."

Lee pulled on his beard and looked at me. I knew what he saw. A waste of space. I hadn't shaved or cut my hair since the accident and I didn't need to look in the mirror to know that I looked like a hobo.

 Lee had burst into my room the day after I told Rosa to leave and sat on the bed next to me. I had stared up at the ceiling and ignored him. It had worked until a thin tanned finger reached out and booped me on the nose. I had sat up in a rage, trying to hit him and he leaned back. Smile full of white teeth, glistening against tan skin and dreads pulled up into a knot at the top of his head. 

"Great, you've got good upper body strength so let's get you out of this bed, yeah?"

That had started our daily battle. Lee would bound in, annoy me to the point of rage and I would do whatever he wanted me to so that he could leave me alone. The nurses thought it was hilarious. 

I didn't.

Today, though, today he was taking it too far.

I was perched on the edge of the bed, staring at the metal frame in front of me.

"Stand up, Dom, you can do it. There's nothing stopping you," Lee said sternly.

"You mean, aside from the fact that I only have one fucking leg?" I growled, tilting my head forward and letting my hair block him out.

"The only thing that is stopping you from standing, is some decent fucking footwear. I mean, don't you own a pair of trainers? What's with all the boots? Are you part of a biker club?"

I grunted and stared at the floor. Rosa had brought clothes in for me, toiletries too. I had asked Millie to leave them in the bags but she had unpacked them all bringing the smell of Rosa back into the room.

Suddenly, a white trainer was flashed in front of me. 

"Lucky for you, we're the same size!" I looked up to see Lee standing in front of me with one trainer off. He dropped to his knee and lifted my foot before tying up the laces. He glanced up and paused.

"What?" I muttered.

"You know, man, I know we've only met but you've been such a light in my life, such a beacon of hope and joy that I can't hold it in anymore. Will you, Dom, the grumpiest arsehole in the world marry me?"

I heard laughter from the nurses at the doorway and I couldn't stop the smile crawling over my face.

"Fuck off, Lee."

Lee grinned and straightened up. Clapping his hands, he stepped in front of the frame and repositioned it in front of me.

"Come on, Dominic. Let's do it, I want to see who's going to be the tallest in our wedding photos. Pull yourself up, bear the weight as best as you can and rest your arms into these guttered parts. Do it and I'll let you keep my trainer."

I was silent.

"Ok, no worries, Dom. Let's call it quits."

I glanced up at him suspiciously, "Really?"

Lee shrugged, "Sure. It gives me an hour before my next patient and I can spend it talking to this girl in the waiting room with these beautiful blue eyes.."

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