9. Facing Percy Once Again

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Percy heard talking from inside the infirmary and rolled his eyes. Way to be stealthy, he thought. It had to be these unexpected guests his mistress was talking about. The only people there ever was in there were the dead bodies of his victims. Well, except Will. Percy didn't know where Thalia had taken Will.

Percy heard the sound of a girl cheering, silence, and then the door swung open to reveal... Wait, what? It couldn't be. It was Nico and Lou Ellen. The thing was, Nico looked tough and fierce as ever, which was weird. He didn't looked scared at all, just angry. Percy thought that Nico would never show his face here again. And there was no way he could have undone the hypnosis, right?

For a quick moment, Percy was actually a bit intimidated. Nico looked ready to kill, and his eyes were glaring down at Percy.

Don't be intimidated by the boy, Circe's voice said in his head, Just hypnotize him again. Have some fun. He's not a threat, just an annoying pest.

Yes, Percy thought, Nothing more then an annoying pest.

He walked over to Nico and Lou Ellen with a smile on his face, summoning some special demigods in his mind. "Well!" Percy said. "Look who's back! I honestly wasn't expecting you! How did you escape my spell?"

"Not important," Nico said, "Let's skip the small talk. You killed Will. You manipulated me. You're a monster, Percy. The question is, how did you hypnotize us, and how do you want to be killed?"

Lou Ellen's eyes widened, and she placed a hand on Nico's shoulder. "Now let's not do anything rash, Nico. There's no way this is actually Percy. He must be possessed or something," She said. Nico seemed to calm down when she said this, but he still looked angry.

"Not possessed, just given true power," Percy smirked, "Now what should I do to you guys first? Make you cut yourself? Kill another person you love? Humiliate yourself?" Percy laughed. "So many options!"

"You try that," Nico said, "See how it goes. I dare you."

Percy was curious what he meant by that, but decided not to ask. He didn't want to seem clueless or vulnerable. "Nico, put  your weapons on the ground," Percy commanded. And to his surprise, Nico did nothing of the sorts. Percy was confused, but he said the instruction again. Once again, Nico did nothing.

Nico began to walk towards Percy, so Percy began to continue with his hypnosis commands. "Nico, stop. Nico, stop," Percy said, beginning to panic. Nico just began to get closer, Lou Ellen warning him not to do anything he'd regret.

In a matter of seconds, the angry Nico was just an inch away from Percy. Just as he began to raise his sword, a voice called from behind them. "Yo!"

Nico stopped, and looked over Percy's shoulder. There he saw six demigods. First was Frank. His hair was shaved in a buzz cut and he wore a set of bloody armor. Next to him was Hazel. She looked like her regular self, but her hair was unbelievably wild and frizzy, a wild look in her eyes, and her clothing in tatters.

To the side of her was Piper. She wore a white crop top, a white mini skirt, white 6 inch heels, and thick, dark makeup. Behind her was Jason floating in the air, who looked the same besides the smug face he wore. Standing next to Piper was Leo, who wore the same smug face as Jason. Last was Annabeth who wore the same outfit as Piper but everything was pink, wore a ditzy smile on her face, and was giggling softly.

It hurt Lou Ellen and Nico to see their friends like this, but Percy just stood there with a mad look on his face. Go to Olympus, Percy. It is time, Circe's voice said in Percy's head.

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