16. The End

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Annabeth ran over to Circe, knocking her into the ground on her back and landing on her stomach. Annabeth held her sword up against Circe's throat, angry and panting heavily. But to Annabeth's surprise, Circe just laughed. "Well done, Miss Chase! I knew you were powerful. But I know you won't kill me, you don't have it in you," Circe said.

"You think?" Annabeth spat. "Do you have any idea how many monsters I've killed? You'd just be another one."

"You talk such a big game for such a scared, little girl," Circe said.

"You should be the scared one right now," Annabeth snarled, pushing her sword down a little bit deeper and causing Circe to wince.

"Fine," Circe said. "Even if you had the guts to kill me, you really shouldn't."

"And why's that?" Annabeth said in a flat tone.

"Simple," Circe said, "I've been with Percy for such a long time, I've basically become a part of him. If you kill me, you'll basically be killing a part of him."

"But I wouldn't be fully killing him, right?" Annabeth asked. Even though she couldn't really trust the sorceress, she just wanted some sort of way to clarify that Percy would be okay.

"He'll be alive, yes. But a part of him, his personality, will be gone. Do you really want to do that to your precious boyfriend, Miss Chase?" Circe said, knowing that Annabeth was always thinking about what was best for Percy.

Annabeth's grip on her sword tightened, and she looked lost in thought, but it quickly tightened, a glare forming on her face. "As long as you're gone, it doesn't mater," Annabeth said, "Percy and I have been through so much together and we'll get through this too."

Circe's eyes widened, the fear finally setting in. "Wait... no!" Annabeth didn't let Circe try to manipulate her anymore. Annabeth sliced through Circe's head, Circe disintegrating into a pile of golden dust. I guess Circe really is a monster, Annabeth thought.

Annabeth stood up. She couldn't believe it. She had actually just saved Percy! But before she could celebrate, the ground began to shake extremely hard, harder then any earthquake she had ever been in, and quite a few have happened to her in California before. And with Poseidon when he's mad...

Annabeth fell to the ground, trying to stay calm. "Apollo, Poseidon, get me out of here! Now!" Annabeth screamed, even though they most likely couldn't hear her.

Surprisingly, they heard her.

She began to glow a bright white, just like she had in the infirmary. This continued to happen, brighter and brighter, until she hears a loud popping sound and realized she wasn't in Percy's stormy mind anymore.

Annabeth opened her eyes and realized she was now in the infirmary. She had done it! She had succeeded at her quest! Circe was dead (again), Percy was okay, she was okay, everything was okay. Annabeth literally wanted to jump with joy, but that would be cringey. She was also super exhausted at the moment.

Poseidon and Apollo were breathing heavily too, which was weird to Annabeth. She didn't think gods could get tired. Poseidon looked down at Annabeth who way laying on the floor, giving her a small smile. "You did it, Annabeth," He said quietly, "You saved my son."

Annabeth nodded, smiling back. She stood up, looking at the sleeping Percy. "It seems as if he's doing okay," Apollo said. Apollo's statement was proved correct when Percy's eyes shot open.

And they were green, not purple.

With Percy awake and normal, Annabeth felt like crying. So she did. Happy years fell down her cheeks and she gave a grin larger then life. "Percy," Annabeth sobbed with a smile, "You're... okay okay."

Percy didn't answer. Instead, he just had a blank look on his face. He looked around, confused, a frown on his face. That worried Annabeth just a bit. But what he said next was what really did it. Percy looked at Annabeth, cocking his head to the side, then asked, "Who's Percy?"

Aaaaahhhh! Insane happy moment. I'm very excited I just finished another fanfic! I'll probably be starting a new one soon. And did I trick you all into thinking this would be a happy ending? Ha! If you don't understand what's happening, Percy has lost his memory. Here's an important question: should I make a sequel? Anyways, thank you so much for reading! By the way, this chapter hasn't been proofread yet either. Bye!

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